
Luxury goes digital: all about the technology trends of 2022

Luxury goes digital: all about the technology trends of 2022

The luxury market is growing more and more online, as shown by the digital trends of 2022. From the metaverse to the connection between fashion and social media, the future of luxury is on the web, thanks in part to many technological innovations: let's find out what the future of fashion will be and what new things the digitization of luxury offers.


2022 digital trends in the world of luxury

The relationship between the digital world and luxury goods is nothing new now. As we point out in a dedicated article, the market for luxury items is increasingly intertwined with the technological one, particularly thanks to the new frontiers represented by the virtual world and all those innovative possibilities that digital offers brands when it comes to marketing and advertising. In this context, luxury brands, and haute couture in particular, are pioneering, landing in the metaverse and opening the door to all the opportunities that technology offers. We are not only talking about technological designer objects made of the highest quality materials, but also about innovations focused on consumer relations and waste reduction, within a now unstoppable process of digitization of luxury. A recent analysis by Bain & Company, carried out on behalf of Comité Colbert (a French association of the high-end industry), found that technology is the tool identified by brands to achieve essential goals such as consumer engagement, operational excellence and adaptation to the canons of so-called "sustainable luxury", which we present in a dedicated article. Some examples of the digital trends of 2022 in the luxury world? One among them is that of Yves Saint Laurent Beauté, which has developed technology for analyzing neuronal reactions from different scents to maximally personalize recommendations based on the unconscious.

The whole world of NFTs, which is already being experimented with in 51% of the luxury industry, is also becoming increasingly popular, for a market that - as Morgan Stanley estimates - will exceed 50 billion dollars by 2030. Another growing digital trend is online purchases of personal luxury goods, which nearly doubled from 12% in 2019 to 22% in 2021, for a turnover exceeding 70 billion dollars. But Bain & Company predicts that, by 2025, online will account for 30% of personal luxury goods purchases, via websites and mobile apps. Another digital trend in the world of luxury that has grown in 2022 is the increasingly close relationship between luxury and social media - which we address in detail in this article - which is also evidenced by TikTok Shop, the online marketplace of the social network Tik Tok, created in collaboration with Shopify and designed to allow users to tag products in videos posted on social and then go directly to purchase. Similar to what happens on another social network, Twitter, which recently launched its Shop Module - that is, the direct purchase feature - which is already up, running, and widely used Facebook and Instagram, where online shopping while enjoying content is now the order of the day. Thus, it is now possible to speak of digital luxury.

Latest news about the future of fashion, luxury and digital

We have already introduced some numbers with respect to the growth of digital within the luxury market, which is increasingly moving online, despite a tradition typically linked to physical purchasing. So it's time to discover all the digital innovations of 2022 - and the future - regarding the relationship between digital and fashion, with a specific focus on the technologies that are contributing to the digitization of luxury.

  • User-customized experiences - The big luxury fashion brands - such as Prada, Balenciaga and Dior - are customizing the online shopping experience to bring it closer to the physical one, thanks to free shipping and free personalized gift wrapping, just as happens in stores. Also going in this same direction are chatbots and online salespeople, who are essential for a sales process that is as "realistic" as possible, as Louis Vuitton and Prada have done with their chatbots based on Artificial Intelligence technologies or the British brand Burberry with "Lola," a virtual assistant dedicated to customers. Also Burberry, as well as the Italian luxury brand Moncler, have released apps designed to offer their customers previews of new products, exclusive offers, selected items and access to private events.
  • Shoppable content and live shopping - As anticipated a few lines ago, shop modules are now also prevalent on all social media, but they were already protagonists of the digital experience on the websites and apps of major fashion brands, as the possibility to view and purchase products online without interrupting the customer's user journey makes shopping more immediate and easy. Aside from the aforementioned social platforms, this dynamic also occurs on WeChat websites or brand website blogs - such as Louis Vuitton's.
  • Virtual reality and the metaverse - That of the presence of the major high fashion brands in the metaverse is a topic we present in detail in a dedicated article, but in this context it is appropriate to add other digital innovations of 2022 related to the luxury market, such as the Oculus VR distributed by Balenciaga to the press or the virtual trial made available by various high fashion brands to allow one to "try on" a product online to see how it fits and how it matches the customer's colors, just as it happens in the store, but through filters on Instagram and Snapchat.
  • Technologies for "sustainable luxury" - As we write in a dedicated article, luxury brands are increasingly turning to technologies designed for interest to foster operational excellence, that is, reducing waste and overproduction, as well as tracking products. In this area, the fastest-growing technologies are radio frequency identification and blockchain, which enables end-to-end traceability of products. But Artificial Intelligence is also being used to optimize inventory allocation, supply chain efficiency, and collection facilities, while also optimizing the relationship between supply and demand to avoid waste and overproduction, reducing the environmental and social impact of the entire production chain of high-fashion products.

Diving into the virtual world between metaverse, NFT and crypto art

The increasingly central role of the virtual world, namely the metaverse, with respect to the luxury market is nothing new now. This is evidenced by both the growth of the luxury real estate market in the metaverse and the massive investments of the most famous fashion brands in the virtual world, culminating in Metaverse Fashion Week. But even the world of artwork is not exempt from this trend. In fact, so-called crypto art is increasingly in vogue. The expression "crypto art" means, simplifying a bit, digital art, that is, all that set of digital works, or subsequently digitized physical works of art, that are identified by a specific data structure, formed by a time chain of blocks, which make it unique and authentic. The authenticity of such a work is certified by the now well-known NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), actual certificates of digital authenticity that identify intangible and potentially infinitely reproducible virtual content. What makes this content unique is its certification via blockchain, a technology created to enable transactions - in the form of data exchange - and tracking that guarantees the uniqueness and originality of artworks, video games, luxury goods and high-fashion items… obviously virtual.

Crypto art, then, is the basis of a dense commercial network of unique works that can be bought and sold as exclusive content, even in special virtual art galleries. And at staggering figures. Suffice it to say that, in the year 2021, crypto art generated a revenue of 24,9 billion dollars related to the sale of digital artworks, growing exponentially from about 95 million dollars in the previous year. We noted how many luxury brands are already gearing up to land in the metaverse, including Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton and Moncler. In recent months, in fact, the metaverse has become the theater for selling and buying luxury items and, according to an estimate by the Morgan Stanley lending institution, will account for more than 10% of the luxury goods market by 2030, to the tune of 45 billion euros compared to the more than 400 total in the industry. Indeed, all experts expect rapid and exponential growth in the metaverse, where more and more users are accumulating cryptocurrencies in their virtual wallets.

2022-10-21 13:08:09

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Discovering luxury coffees: all about the world's most expensive blends

Discovering luxury coffees: all about the world's most expensive blends

There are some coffees in the world that are so special that they are true luxury goods because of their cost: we discover the ranking and prices these unique blends, made so by the materials or processing, as well as a selection of the other most expensive foods in the world - rare, exclusive and really expensive foods.


Which are the most expensive coffees in the world and why?

Drinking a cup of coffee, especially in Italy, is certainly not a luxury. On the contrary, coffee is perhaps the most popular and most appropriate drink for a break, a chat or a recharge to get back to work. That is why it seems strange that some coffees can be defined as "luxury", as if they were some of the world's finest whiskies or collectible wines which have been aged for decades. In reality, there are some coffees whose cost is so high as to turn them into exclusive products that are really hard to find, therefore to enjoy. These blends have unique characteristics and are really very rare: let's find out the ranking and prices of the five most expensive coffees in the world.

  • 1. Kopi Luwak Coffee - This coffee typical of Indonesia also falls in the ranking of the most expensive foods in the world and has a very unique peculiarity, since it is made from the coffee berries eaten, digested and defecated by the Luwak, the common palm civet, an animal that lives in Southeast Asia, precisely. The price of this blend can change even a lot, from a base price of 650 up to a maximum of 2500 euros per kilo, for those who would like to taste the Vietnamese version of Kopi Luwak Coffee, the most expensive. The price of this truly unique blend generally varies depending on the vintage, the quality of the crop and the quantity produced, which is always limited precisely because of the biological fermentation process, based precisely on the digestion of the luwak, which, thanks to the enzymes in its stomach, eliminates the outer part of the coffee fruit and thus all the proteins that make the drink bitter. In addition to this, in Indonesia the luwak, a glutton for coffee berries, is also believed to be an excellent selector of the best beans for roasting. In addition to its natural sweetness, Kopi Luwak coffee - also known as civet coffee - also has a special, very mild chocolate aftertaste, thus being a truly unique blend and justifying its really high price for a coffee... even a luxury one!
  • 2. Black Ivory Coffee - The size of the animal changes, but the result in terms of quality is similar, as the second most expensive coffee in the world is "produced" by Asian elephants, again through a process that involves digestion and defecation of the coffee berries. Once the beans are expelled, they are generally washed and left to dry in the sun, while the Thai variant in the capital Bangkok involves roasting. Like luwaks, elephants also have characteristics suitable for coffee "processing," as their very acidic stomach juices take away the beans' bitterness and leave a sweet, caramelized flavor in a digestion process that can take 15 to 70 hours. The price of this blend? The cost of Black Ivory Coffee can range from about 900 to about 1.600 euros per kilo, but this, like that of Kopi Luwak, is also subject to seasonal variations.
  • 3. Esmeralda Gesha 601 - We move from Asia to Central America for the third step of the podium, occupied by this blend from Panama, which, in the United States, is even sold at the price of 24 dollars per cup. Esmeralda Gesha 601 coffee has the peculiarity of being served at the table through the use of a still, and the process of preparing the blend, which is carried out in three stages, takes about ten minutes. The cost of this coffee is about 350 euros per kilo.
  • 4. Bat Coffee - We remain in the Americas for another very special coffee, as in Costa Rica a blend is produced from coffee berries extracted after the Artibeus Jamaicensis - that is a species of bat typical of the Costa Rican area - bites the skins of the ripest beans to feed on the pulp, licking its sugar-rich mucilage. The remaining part of the coffee berry is left on the plant and exposed to the sun, thus undergoing an aromatic and structural transformation that, after a harvest carried out completely by hand, leaves the blend with an aroma with a fruity and floral bouquet, as well as a very delicate acidity. The price of this typical Costa Rican coffee is about 300 euros per kilo.
  • 5. Monkey Coffee - Fifth most expensive coffee in the world, and last in our ranking, is this product made in India and Taiwan, again with the "contribution" of an animal, in this case rhesus monkeys, gluttons of the ripest and sweetest coffee beans. These animals usually chew the berries for several minutes before spitting them on the ground and letting workers pick them up, who then wash, process, dry, and let them dry until they reach a typically grayish color. Only at this point are the coffee beans roasted and ground, generating a blend that tastes very different from traditional coffees, due to the breakdown of enzymes in the beans caused by the monkeys' chewing, which thus changes the aroma. The blend is therefore much sweeter than normal coffee, with hints ranging from nutty to vanilla and chocolate, to taste which requires spending about 260 euros per kilo.

What are the most expensive and valuable coffees in Italy?

As is well known, coffee is part of traditional culture in Italy. From North to South, coffee is associated with moments of relaxation during the day, at the end of meals and at morning breakfast. Obviously, the typical Italian coffee is espresso, and just as obviously, Italy does not have many of its own coffee bean cultures, let alone exotic animals that can influence its processing such as those presented a few lines ago. In any case, even in Italy there are historic coffee roasters capable of producing unique coffees and blends that are, for this reason, very expensive. So let's discover the five finest and most expensive coffees produced in Italy.

  • 1. El Colibrì Esmeralda by Gardelli Specialty Coffee (Forlì, Emilia Romagna) - A blend produced from beans grown and processed on a small Honduran plantation, made by one of Italy's best artisan roasters, specializing in single-origin coffees. Price: about 200 euros per kilo.
  • 2. Nanegalito by Bugan Coffee Lab (Bergamo, Lombardy) - Single-origin coffee from Ecuador, made by a roastery that includes a well-attended training school and is always present in international competitions. Price: about 160 euros per kilo.
  • 3. Miscela Terzi N1 by Caffè Terzi (Bologna, Emilia Romagna) - 100% Arabica blend with low caffeine content and long persistence, made by a roastery known for the best coffee in the city of Bologna. Price: about 45 euros per kilo.
  • 4. Brasil Pergamino Sul de Minas by Caffè Penazzi (Ferrara, Emilia Romagna) - Delicate Brazilian coffee with elegant sweetness, made by a historic roastery, opened in 1926, specializing in single-origin coffees. Price: about 40 euros per kilo.
  • 5. Jump by Ditta Artigianale Firenze (Florence, Tuscany) - Blend obtained from the union of specialty coffees from three countries (Brazil, Colombia and Ethiopia), made in the historic center of Florence. Price: about 40 euros per kilo.

The most expensive foods in the world

In a dedicated article we have already presented the topic of the most expensive foods in the world, but at the end of this focus on the most expensive cafes on the planet, we think it is appropriate to recall at least some of the most expensive foods existing. These foods are so expensive that they reach that of the most valuable luxury goods, turning out to be so exclusive that very few people are in a position to enjoy them. Enjoying one of the most expensive foods in the world does indeed require a real investment, but these are foods with unique characteristics and really very rare: let's discover some of the most expensive foods in the world.

  • Alba White Truffle - Let's start in Italy for this food with a unique taste, characterized by spicy and aromatic notes, a smooth and clear appearance, and a yellow, streaked flesh. The white truffle of Alba is also impossible to cultivate, making its price even higher, which has exceeded as much as 100.000 euros per kilo for a truffle specimen of about 1,5 kg.
  • Elvish Honey - This is the most expensive honey in the world, partly because it comes from a hive located in Turkey at a depth of 1.800 meters, where the environment and minerals in the cave give the honey an unmistakable taste. The price? About 40.000 euros per kilo.
  • Pule Cheese - As much as 25 liters of donkey milk from the Balkans are needed to make one kilo of this cheese, produced in the area of Serbia and Montenegro, as well as long aging times, which brings its price to about 1.300 euros per kilo.
  • Yubari King melon - This melon is grown in the small town of Yubari on the island of Hokkaido (Japan) in very limited quantities and with very expensive processing, including daily massages and washes, which cause the price of more than 17.000 euros for just one of these fruits.
  • Densuke watermelons - Let's go back to Japan for the most expensive watermelons in the world, specifically to the north of Hokkaido Island, where these black-colored fruits, famous for their balanced sweetness and ... for the price of about 580 euros per kilo or even more in the case of particularly large watermelon specimens.

2022-10-19 08:55:27

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All about the best heating systems for luxury homes

All about the best heating systems for luxury homes

Heating systems for luxury homes are changing, partly because of innovations related to sustainability and renewable energy, as well as the ever-increasing price of raw materials. The best green heating systems are also the most innovative: let's discover them and also make a point on luxury home renovation.


The best heating systems for a luxury home

The global context is currently one of ever-increasing prices for the raw materials needed to power the heating systems of luxury homes. But that is not all. The growing attention to sustainability issues together with renewable and green energy, is also changing the landscape of technologies used to heat homes. Especially when it comes, precisely, to luxury homes, therefore often with large areas to be heated. This is why there are innovative and alternative home heating systems to traditional ones, to be taken into consideration both for new buildings and when renovating a luxury property. Before discovering them, however, let's take a look at the most commonly used heating systems in luxury homes.

  • Gas heating: this is a traditional type of system that is practical for the consumer, since methane gas arrives in the home directly from the public network, eliminating the need for space to store raw materials, the prices of which, however, are increasingly high (especially at this precise period).
  • Oil heating: this is another heating system that is by no means innovative and has the advantage of being independent of the energy supply, but requires the presence of a tank and generally uses fuel oil, which, like all fossil fuels, has limited availability and rising costs.
  • Electric heating: this is often used as a supplementary heating system, as in the case of electric underfloor heating in older houses, fan heaters or newer infrared systems for the bathroom, as well as decorative radiators, also designed for the bathroom.
  • Wood or pellet stoves: this is the oldest and most traditional heating system for the home and guarantees a high thermal output, as well as relying on a sustainable and rapidly renewable fuel; in the case of pellet stoves with automatic control, it is even possible to maintain a constant temperature without manual intervention, but sufficient storage space is still required, both in the case of wood and pellets.

In light of the above, the first consideration to be made with regard to heating systems for a luxury home is that fuel-fuelled heating systems require the use of limited, expensive and environmentally damaging raw materials, making owners dependent on global price fluctuations, now more than ever. In addition, the heating systems of the future will be increasingly green and sustainability-oriented, and therefore unlikely to be powered by gas or oil. Even if fossil-fuelled systems have lower installation costs, the operating costs in the years to come will be high, also considering that the costs of fossil fuels are also increased by the CO2 tax by law.

The 2022 most innovative heating systems

It is therefore time to talk about the most innovative 2022 home heating systems and, in general, those that will become the norm in the years to come. We are talking about modern systems powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, or heat pumps, for example. These green heating systems are more environmentally friendly and contribute to the thermal transition, a fundamental element of the more general energy transition. Let us therefore discover the most innovative 2022 home heating systems.

  • Heat pump - These systems make use of resources naturally offered by the environment, as they exploit heat from the air, groundwater or earth layers, being efficient especially when a high and permanent heat load is not required, therefore generally in new buildings, which have better thermal insulation. This home heating system is ideal when combined with underfloor heating, but also with radiant systems (both radiant ceilings and radiant heated floors). When combined with a photovoltaic system, the heat pump effectively eliminates the need for paid energy sources, making it an ideal solution both economically and environmentally. There are basically three types of heat pumps, which we present below.
    • Air-to-water heat pump (installation cost from 10.000 to 15.000 euros) - This works almost anywhere and draws in outside air, heating a refrigerant. It is the least expensive system, but needs more electricity on cold days.
    • Brine-to-water heat pump (installation cost from 20.000 to 25.000 euros) - This is the most efficient type of heat pump, as it uses the earth's heat evenly throughout the year and keeps electricity consumption low.
    • Water-to-water heat pump (installation cost from 20.000 to 25.000 euros) - This is the most expensive version, as it requires the construction of two wells, and takes heat from groundwater.
  • Solar thermodynamic system (installation cost from 4.000 to 12.000 euros) - The house heating system with solar panels on the roof provides hot water without any other heating system, making it the most ecological and sustainable system, but limited in the cold season due to reduced solar radiation, thus being more suitable as secondary or supplementary heating within a hybrid system.
  • Fuel cell (installation cost from 18.000 to 30.000 euros) - This is one of the most innovative heating systems, producing heat to heat rooms and water and, at the same time, generate electricity, thanks to the application of the cogeneration principle based on so-called cold combustion, i.e. a chemical reaction to produce heat.
  • Hybrid system (very variable installation cost) - This type of system consists of a gas-fired condensing boiler together with a system using renewable energy, such as those presented a few lines ago (solar panels, heat pumps, etc.), joined together by an accumulator.
  • Zeolite boiler (installation from 13.000 to 15.000 euros) - This is one of the latest generation of innovative heating systems and exploits zeolite (it is in fact also called 'zeolite hybrid boiler'), a porous mineral that can absorb water vapor and naturally generate heat up to 80°C from water itself, as well as being a potentially 'eternal' mineral, given that the calorific power of zeolite has been estimated at around 300 years.

Tutto sulla ristrutturazione di una casa di lusso

In another dedicated article we deal in detail with the topic of renovation of luxury homes, but in this context it is useful to briefly review the situation. The tax bonus for home renovation is the tax benefit that allows a part of the expenses incurred for the renovation of homes and common parts of residential buildings on the Italian territory to be deducted from the IRPEF. The renovation bonus can be claimed by all taxpayers subject to the payment of income taxes, whether they are residents of Italy or not. Specifically, not only the owners or holders of rights in rem over the property for which the work is being carried out and who incur the expenses, but also the tenant or comodatario can benefit from the bonus. The renovation bonus has also been confirmed for 2022 and consists of a 50% deduction on IRPEF, up to a maximum of 96.000 euros of expenditure, divided into 10 equal annual installments, for building upgrading, extraordinary and ordinary maintenance in condominiums in individual buildings. The tax rebate, again capped at 96.000 euros, also applies to those who buy apartments completely renovated by a company. Linked to the renovation bonus is also the furniture bonus, which allows, in the face of renovation work, to take advantage of the IRPEF tax discount on expenses incurred for the purchase of furniture up to a maximum amount of 10.000 euros. Also confirmed was the green bonus, the so-called garden bonus, or the 36% discount for renovation work on the green spaces of one's home, with a maximum expenditure ceiling of 5.000 euros.

The bonus for home renovation with IRPEF deduction of expenses also covers valuable properties, that is, those properties that fall into the category of luxury homes, as we explain in more detail in a dedicated article. These are the properties belonging to the cadastral categories A/1 (Dwellings of stately type), A/8 (Dwellings in villas) and A/9 (Castles, eminent buildings). In fact, the home renovation bonus is applicable on residential properties of any cadastral category, and there is no restriction on luxury housing, so much so that it is also possible to enjoy the preferential 10% VAT rate on services related to such interventions. Finally, the home renovation bonus has been extended until 13 December 2024 and confirmed under the same conditions, and, for those who want to learn more about this topic, we suggest reading this article. To return to the topic of heating systems for luxury homes, it can be said that the renovation of the heating system in an old building may not be so extensive, depending on the conditions of the place, the structural premises and the surrounding environment. In general, hybrid heating systems are the most easily customizable solution that, despite high installation costs, can provide great savings on energy-related expenditures and, in the case of very high heat demand, also in a rather short time, going to offset the initial investment.

2022-10-17 15:46:11

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All about the most expensive and largest luxury TVs on the market

All about the most expensive and largest luxury TVs on the market

Inside luxury homes spaces dedicated exclusively to entertainment, therefore equipped with TVs capable of offering maximum functionality and video quality, are necessary. However, there are truly exclusive luxury TVs with unique features and very high prices: let's find out which are the most expensive and largest luxury TVs on the market.


The most expensive luxury TVs on the market

Inside luxury homes certainly cannot lack the best technologies, particularly with regard to entertainment and leisure. As we write in a dedicated article, more and more luxury homes are in fact being equipped with hi-tech accessories, as well as appliances to create immersive spaces, but also designed for wellness and personal care. Not only that. More and more luxury homes are being equipped with technologies related to home automation or the smart home concept, which we present in more detail in another article. This time, however, we will focus specifically on the world of TVs, since there are some truly unique high-end TVs that are ideal for creating spaces dedicated exclusively to entertainment within a luxury home. These devices are distinguished by their technical features, their large size, and, of course, their prices: so let's find out which are the most expensive TVs on the market.

  • Beovision 4-103 (around 110.000 euros) - This TV produced by Danish brand Bang & Olufsen has a 103-inch screen and state-of-the-art features, such as a motorized stand and a set of built-in speakers.
  • Samsung UA11059 (around 150.000 euros) - 4K UHD resolution, refresh rate up to 240Hz and motion control-that is, the ability to control the TV with just the movement of your hands-are the flagship features of this TV.
  • Sharp LB-1085 (around 160.000 euros) - A 108-inch screen by Sharp, capable of uninterrupted use for at least 24 hours, including low reflection technology and full HD resolution for perfect images in all light conditions.
  • C Seed N1 (around 180.000 euros) - Panel made with Micro LED technology, screen with 4K resolution designed to fold (with 4 hinges connecting 5 segments) and become, when folded, a real metal design piece of furniture, but with colossal dimensions, since the three available versions are 103, 137 and 165 inches, with a weight of 950, 1.150 and 1.350 kg respectively and very high energy consumption (between 1,2 and 3,8 kW).
  • Samsung UN105S9B (around 260.000 euros) - This Samsung TV is able to go from flat to curved, changing shape with the touch of a button on the remote control, as well as offering all the latest features in integrated technologies.
  • Titan Screen Zeus (around 1,6 million euros) - This TV model produced by Titan Screen is currently the largest in the world, at 370 inches, needs to be watched from about 15 meters away to enjoy its images, and of course is one of the most expensive TVs ever.
  • Stuart Hughes Prestige HD Supreme Rose Edition (around 2,2 million euros) - The world's most expensive TV measures "only" 55 inches and does not even support 4K, but the price tag of more than 2 million euros is justified by the 28 kilograms of 18-karat rose gold that make it up.

The largest TV in the world

As anticipated a few lines ago, the largest TVs in the world are truly huge. Just think of the 108 inches of the Sharp LB-1085 TV or the 165 inches of the largest model of the C Seed N1. But even these TVs pale in comparison to the 370 inches of the Zeus, produced by Titan Screen and sold for about 1,6 million euros, making it the largest TV in the world and the second most expensive. There are also "smaller" versions of the Zeus (including 173 inches), but the surface area of the largest one is a whopping 40 square meters (8x5 meters). This jewel of the London-based brand Titan Screen has 4K resolution, does not require a remote control, since it also includes the aforementioned motion control technology, allows you to watch more than 20 channels at once, and has a screen that self-adjusts according to the ambient lighting.

The best brands of luxury TVs

In light of what has been said about the world's most expensive and largest TVs, it is not difficult to identify which are the best brands of luxury TVs. One over all, of course, is London-based Titan Screen, maker of the Zeus and a world leader in very large screens for trade shows, exhibitions, events or - as in the case of the 370-inch Zeus, purchased by a hotel in Cannes - luxury hotels, such as those we present in another article. Another brand among the best when it comes to luxury TVs is the aforementioned C Seed, but it is not possible to talk about high-end TVs without mentioning Samsung and Sharp. These two brands also produce mid-range, or at least non-luxury TVs, but as the ranking of the world's most expensive TVs testifies, they are also able to churn out truly exclusive and… expensive models.

The best hi-tech gadgets for a luxury home

As we have seen, some technological appliances and devices cost so much that they are true luxury goods, as in the case of devices provided in home automation and smart homes. The products in question are luxury hi-tech gadgets, such as devices dedicated to the enjoyment of music, and any kind of audio files. One example above all is the home theater, a room used as a home cinema, to be equipped with the latest devices for sound reproduction, so as to achieve the effect given by the big screen.

The prices of the best hi-tech gadgets are, of course, high, partly because they allow you to experience the latest technological frontiers inside luxury homes. We are talking about immersive environments designed for those who wish to get the most out of the virtual reality experience - as is the case with Oculus rooms, ideal for the use of Virtual Reality visors - or simply make the most of the services offered by the digital world, or even enjoy spaces designed specifically for viewing 3D images. But the possibilities offered by these luxury technological gadgets do not end here: for those interested, we suggest reading our article dedicated to the topic.

2022-10-14 08:31:41

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All about the best luxury accessories for men, women and the home

All about the best luxury accessories for men, women and the home

Luxury accessories, whether vintage or modern, are a key element in expressing the taste and sophistication of the wearer, both within the world of men's and women's clothing. But there are truly exclusive and classy luxury accessories for the home as well: let's find out which are the most popular and the best in all categories.


The most wanted luxury accessories of 2022

Luxury accessories have always been essential for those who want to express their taste and, at the same time, socioeconomic status in an elegant and sophisticated manner. A luxury accessory, whether for men or women, is an item that expresses the wearer's style and denotes elegance. In addition to this, the right accessory is obviously also a worthy complement to the clothing as a whole, accompanying and emphasizing its style. But what are the most wanted luxury accessories of 2022? In other articles we’ve specifically focused on the world's most expensive luxury handbags, the most expensive luxury watches on the planet and even the most valuable rings in the world. In this article, however, we want to focus on the most exclusive and in-demand accessories of 2022, exploiting the analysis carried out by The Lyst Index, a portal dedicated to analyzing the fashion market in order to "find the world's hottest products" by filtering among "more than eight million items based on the volume of mentions on social media, as well as searches, page views, interactions and sales in the Lyst app".

In short, a kind of fashion encyclopedia updated in real time, particularly with respect to the luxury fashion industry. In terms of the latest data available on Lyst, covering the second quarter (April-June) of 2022, the global luxury fashion landscape is dominated by Gucci, which overtook Balenciaga after nine months of supremacy by the Spanish brand itself. This quarter - which was also marked by the return to normalcy of Milan Fashion Week 2022 - also sees among the most wanted accessories the 1DR bag by Diesel, the swimsuit born from the Fendace collaboration (between Fendi and Versace), the Adidas x Wales Bonner Samba sneakers, and the Yeezy Gap hoodie engineered by Balenciaga Dove. But let's find out the 10 most wanted luxury accessories of the second quarter 2022, both women's and men's.

Women's luxury accessories Q2 2022
  • Diesel 1DR bag
  • Adidas x Gucci Gazelle Sneaker
  • Jean Paul Gaultier x Lotta Volkova naked dress
  • Balenciaga Le Cagole shoulder bag
  • Jaded London Tech cargo pants
  • Prada Symbole sunglasses
  • Miu Miu cotton hat
  • Loewe Anagram bag
  • Fendace one-piece swimsuit
  • Gucci Original GG Sandals

Men's Luxury Accessories Q2 2022
  • Adidas Originals x Wales Bonner Samba sneaker
  • Birkenstock Boston Suede Clogs
  • Yeezy Gap sweatshirt engineered by Balenciaga Dove
  • Gucci 1953 Horsebit Loafers
  • Levi's 469 Loose Fit Shorts
  • Stone Island Compass Shorts
  • Nike Air Force 1 sneakers
  • Polo Ralph Lauren Cotton Cap
  • Casablanca Ping Pong Silk Shorts
  • Nike Air Max 90 Slippers

Taking a small step back, we also discover the 10 most wanted luxury accessories for women and men in the first quarter of 2022.

Luxury women's accessories Q1 2022
  • Naked Wolfe high heeled boots
  • UGG Classic mini boots
  • Miu Miu Mini Skirt
  • Moon Boot® Icon snow boots
  • Totême embroidered jacket
  • New Balance 327
  • Acne Studios Scarf
  • Valentino Garavani Tan-go Platform Pump
  • Loewe Anagram Tank Top
  • Jeans with boots Diesel 1956

Men's Luxury Accessories Q1 2022
  • New Balance P550 Aimé Leon Dore
  • Prada Triangle Shoulder Handbag
  • The North Face 1996 Retro Nuptse Jacket
  • Balenciaga Defender Sneakers
  • Adidas Originals Gazelle Sneakers
  • Clarks Wallabee boots
  • Prada Leather Loafers
  • Nike Sportswear Air Max Pants
  • PANGAIA 365 Signature Sweatshirt
  • Fear Of God The California

The best vintage luxury accessories

There are different types of luxury accessories in the fashion world, so there is also room for vintage luxury accessories. These products recall past historical periods or styles and fashions that are no longer current. As we write in a dedicated article, the fashion market, and the luxury market in general, is increasingly open to second-hand products to meet the concepts of circularity and sustainability, which are increasingly central to brands in the industry. Obviously, not all items lend themselves to be chosen as vintage luxury accessories, but we’ve decided to identify a few types for lovers of this category to focus on.

  • Handbags - Vintage bags from major luxury fashion brands are always a good choice, as the classics in handbags never fade - as we write in this article - and their value will last, especially for brands such as Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci and Fendi.
  • Scarves - Scarves - especially silk scarves - are also long-lasting items that have no specific connection to the era in which they are worn.
  • Blazers - Vintage tailored jackets are perfect for lovers of the genre, as it is difficult to find a well-designed blazer made of materials in today's market.
  • Jewelry - It may go without saying, but we cannot avoid including jewelry among the perfect categories for vintage luxury accessories.
  • Coats - Vintage coats, like blazers, also have a unique charm and features that are hard to find in contemporary garments, even high-end ones.
  • Sunglasses - Impossible not to mention sunglasses in a list of the best vintage luxury accessories, such as cat-eye models, decorated and in original materials.
  • Leather garments - Items made of leather are also among the best items to buy a luxury vintage accessory, as the quality is very high and some dated models look even more glamorous today.

The best luxury accessories for the home

After presenting the most wanted luxury accessories of 2022 and the best vintage luxury accessories, we just have to devote an aside to the best luxury home accessories - which we also present in a dedicated article. In fact, the topic of luxury furniture is a central topic in our articles, starting with some tips on how to furnish the living room of a luxury home. Of course, an elegant home needs to be furnished and decorated with equal class. In this sense, choosing luxury items that convey the sense of exclusivity and attention to detail is a must. The first aspect to be taken care of, right in the living room, is the luxury sofa - which we present in another article -, but this does not really fall under accessories. On the other hand, luxury accessories - among the best ones with which to decorate the house - are paintings, which manage to express the taste and elegance of the homeowners.

In addition to these pointers, to help you in your choice of home accessories, we have selected the best luxury items that, regardless of the style of decor, are a guarantee for those who want to make the rooms of their homes luxurious and classy. A classic accessory that combines comfort and elegance are sofa cushions, made by various fashion brands, such as Roberto Cavalli or Fendi. The same can be said for chandeliers, such as the Technology Foglia Oro chandelier by the company Cavicchi or the Armani Casa Lamp. Staying in the living room, decorated vases are also perfect luxury accessories for the home, such as those produced by Gucci or the Italian leaders in the field, Fornace Mian and NasonMoretti. Turning then to the kitchen, the best luxury accessories for this environment are certainly the cutlery sets, especially if they are the silver "Elsa Peretti" ones by Tiffany, but also decorative candles or wine decanters, such as the one made of crystal by the fashion brand Ralph Lauren.

2022-10-13 10:59:11

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Discovering luxury assets (not just real estate) to invest in

Discovering luxury assets (not just real estate) to invest in

Luxury assets are a safe and durable investment, especially in the sector of luxury real estate, but not only. There are several high-end assets that are worth investing in for different reasons related to their characteristics and rarity. Let's find out everything you need to know about investing in luxury real estate or other luxury assets.


The benefits of investing in luxury real estate

The current economic situation and, more generally, the period of crisis and uncertainty that is characterizing the entire planet, after the recent pandemic and the beginning of the war in Ukraine, would seem not to suggest investment in real estate. It is well known that in times of economic instability and recession it is not recommended to invest in bricks and mortar, but luxury real estate, which represents a safe and durable type of investment, is subtracted from this rule. Yes, because investing in luxury real estate always pays off, thanks to some of their characteristics and the growing trend in the high-end real estate market - which, as we write in another article, is also thriving in the metaverse. The first reason to invest in luxury real estate is, precisely, the fact that the sector is steadily growing and the outlook for the future is positive. In fact, the high-end real estate market is showing favorable trends, and although there is a price hike on the horizon, at this time buying luxury real estate is more worthwhile than ever. Another reason to invest in luxury real estate is that the value of these assets is durable.

In fact, a luxury property depreciates less and much more slowly than a mid-range one, especially if it is located in prime or historic areas, but also if it has fine finishes or period furnishings. Just think of one of the most expensive luxury homes in the world and in Italy. Another reason that makes luxury real estate an excellent investment is the ease in renting certain types of housing, especially if it is a luxury apartment: despite the pandemic and the current economic situation, the luxury rental market still has a high demand and, of course, potential tenants without budget difficulties, thus without fear of a very high rent. Finally, another reason to invest in luxury real estate, particularly in Italy, is related to the fact that the Italian real estate market is also populated by a number of foreign buyers with large budgets. Starting with VIPs from all over the world to investors and tycoons from various countries who are willing to invest large sums for a luxury property in Italy. Especially if this is located in one of the most exclusive luxury locations in the Belpaese, which we present in a dedicated article.

Other luxury assets to invest in

The luxury goods market, however, is not limited to real estate. On the contrary. The world of high-end assets is very broad and even provides for dedicated and diversified taxation depending on the type of property, as we write in another article. In fact, all luxury assets represent forms of investment of different magnitude and with different characteristics. Speaking of high-value luxury assets, it is impossible not to start with the world's most expensive luxury cars. In particular, classic cars are assets whose value steadily increases from year to year and, for certain models, can even exceed 10 million euros (up to peaks of even 30 million). From engineering we turn to culture, since the art market - as we write in an article about luxury paintings - has also grown by about 200% in the last 10 years. But not only that.

Other forms of collectibles, such as rare collectible coins - there are some that can exceed a million euros in valuation - and stamps - which touch peaks of nearly 10 million euros - also represent luxury goods worth to invest in. Of course, luxury watches - especially the most expensive watches in the world - are also assets whose value can hardly fall, indeed, often increases. The same applies to gold - the most durable investment - and diamonds - which we present in a dedicated article. Finally, at the end of this list of luxury goods that are worth investing in, it is almost a must to mention some collectible bottles. In particular, we are talking about bottles of very fine wines - we’ve already collected the most expensive Italian ones - and very rare whiskies - which we have listed in a specific ranking.

The characteristics of luxury real estate

Closing this review about luxury properties that are worth investing in, it is appropriate to go back to the topic of real estate to briefly define what characteristics make a property luxury. In Italy, the legislation that defines the characteristics of luxury housing is the Ministerial Decree of August 2, 1969, issued pursuant to and for the purposes of Law No. 408 of July 2, 1949, as amended and supplemented, Law No. 35 of February 2, 1960, as amended and supplemented, and Decree-Law No. 1150 of December 11, 1967, converted into Law No. 1150 of February 7, 1968. This law defines the categories of property considered luxury, namely:

  • Urban areas designated for villas or private parkland
  • Lots of land in less than 3,000 sq m in size, excluding agricultural areas
  • Buildings with a cubic capacity greater than 2,000 cubic meters or with a building index of 0.25 cubic meters/sqm
  • Dwellings with a swimming pool of at least 80 sq m in area or tennis courts with a drained foundation of not less than 650 sq m in area
  • Houses with gross floor area of more than 200 square meters (excluding balconies, terraces, cellars, attics, stairs and parking space) and with uncovered area of more than 6 times the covered area
  • Housing units with usable floor area (including walls, excluding balconies, terraces, cellars, attics, stairs and parking space) exceeding 240 square meters
  • Dwellings built on valuable areas (i.e. where the cost of covered and appurtenant land exceeds one and a half times the cost of construction alone)
  • Dwellings with at least five characteristics among those listed in the "Table of Characteristics (Item 8 of DM August 2, 1969)" below.

Regarding all other details on this theme, including the above-mentioned "Table of characteristics (item 8 of Ministerial Decree August 2, 1969)", please refer to the article we have dedicated specifically to the topic, or, for a focus on cadastral categories of luxury properties, we suggest reading this page.

2022-10-10 09:10:03

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Which are the best luxury smartwatches and what are their prices?

Which are the best luxury smartwatches and what are their prices?

Hi-tech accessories are increasingly sought after in the high-end items market, just like luxury smartwatches produced by the best tech companies and the most famous design brands. Some of these luxury smartwatches are truly exclusive and also very expensive, as they perfectly combine functionality and elegance: let's find out the best models and their prices.


The best 2022 luxury smartwatches

In general, when talking about smartwatches, one thinks about the world of luxury items, since also the cheapest models cost at least a few hundred euros. In this article, however, we want to propose to you a selection of smartwatches that can be defined as super luxury, both because of their prices and because they are produced by the world's leading luxury watch brands, which we present in detail in a dedicated article. Later we will also devote space to the more "traditional" brands producing smartwatches, but let's find out which are the best models and most expensive luxury smartwatches of 2022.

  • Tag Heuer Connected - This round-shaped luxury smartwatch has a 45-millimeter diameter titanium case with DLC coating, accompanied by a micro-blasted ceramic bezel and a crown with steel buttons, while the display has a diameter of 1.39 inches with a resolution of 454×454 pixels. In terms of functionality, in addition to the standard features of a smartwatch and provided by WearOS software, Tag Heuer Connected includes a heart rate sensor and built-in GPS, although the 430 mAh battery offers a battery life of only one day, with GPS use limited to one hour. Price: from 1.700 to 2.400 euros depending on the model.
  • Montblanc Summit 2+ - A 1.28-inch display in a 43.5-millimeter-diameter case for this Montblanc smartwatch, already a leader in the luxury sector, which has included in this model, microphone, speaker and WearOS software that provides maps with related routes, altimeter, digital compass, tachometer and barometer, as well as stress level detection. Again, however, battery life is limited to a single day. Price: over 1.200 euros.
  • Hublot Big Bang - This smartwatch from Hublot is made of premium materials in both versions (satin-finished and polished for titanium, micro blasted for ceramic) and includes a 30.8-millimeter diameter display with a resolution of 390×390 pixels, protected by a sapphire crystal. Again, the WearOS software allows sensors to take advantage of Google apps, but lacks GPS. Price: over 5.000 euros.
  • Garmin Marq Driver - A 46-millimeter diameter titanium case around a 30.4-millimeter display for a resolution of 240×240 pixels, ceramic bezel and sapphire crystal, sensors and options for heart rate, stress, sleep, physical activity recording, blood saturation level, notifications, and memory space for music: this is what Garmin's luxury smartwatch offers, in addition to the standard GPS with integrated maps and different models dedicated to different sports disciplines, with a battery life of as much as twelve days. Price: from 1.500 to 2.500 euros depending on the model.
  • Alpina Watches AlpinerX - This smartwatch from Alpina Watches is a hybrid model, that is, with classic dials and shapes with hands, inside which a digital dial is inserted, inside a 45-millimeter aluminum case with a rotatable crown. In addition to various features designed for physical activity, sleep monitoring, breath analysis, alarm clock, exercise reminders and potential cardiac risk situations are included. Price: from 1.000 to 1.700 euros depending on the model.
  • Tissot T-Touch Connect Solar - We move into Tissot's house for this luxury smartwatch with a case as large as 47 millimeters in diameter (available in satin-finished titanium, titanium with black PVD coating, or rose gold PVD) has an ultra-durable ceramic bezel and is protected by a sapphire crystal with photovoltaic cells. Features such as perpetual calendar, countdown, chronograph, alarm, weather, altimeter with integrated barometer, weather trends, activity tracking, and notification for messages and calls are included as standard, but without GPS. Price: about 1.000 euros.
  • Tambour Horizon Light Up by Louis Vuitton - A Louis Vuitton model could not be missing from this list of luxury smartwatches, namely the Tambour Horizon Light Up with its 1.2-inch circular AMOLED display made of sapphire crystal, surrounded by the ring with 24 Monogram LED-backlit flowers, and the Snapdragon Wear 4100 processor supporting the French brand's proprietary operating system. Price: over 3.000 euros.
  • Apple Watch Serie 7 by Hermès - Thanks to the work of the fashion house Hermès, the Apple Watch Series 7 (the penultimate model launched by Apple, before the Apple Watch Series 8) has also become a luxury smartwatch, with its series of dials and straps inspired by the French brand, universally known for the quality of its craftsmanship, to accompany the normal functionality of the Apple Watch Series 7. Price: over 1.800 euros.

The best smartwatch brands

Now that we have discovered the best luxury smartwatches of 2022, we can also focus on the best brands producing these devices. The latter have, of course, already been mentioned in the previous paragraph with respect to the most expensive and exclusive smartwatches, but we’re going to go deeper into this topic. In particular, it is interesting to talk about a brand like Garmin, a leader in the field of smartwatches dedicated to sports and, in general, physical activity. Recently, however, the US company has managed to successfully enter the world of luxury watchmaking, thanks in part to collections such as the aforementioned Marq line. Another top luxury smartwatch brand is Tissot, already a leader in the world of traditional watches. Indeed, Tissot's smartwatches represent the perfect union of fine materials, electronics and mechanics, without betraying the elegance of "classic" watchmaking. We now move on to two typically technological brands, but certainly not related to the world of luxury smartwatches: Apple and Samsung.

Apple Watch certainly cannot be compared to the luxury smartwatches presented in the previous paragraph, but the Apple Watch Series 8 really represents an excellent product in terms of design and innovative features, including the low-power mode (which can extend battery life to 36 hours) and the new crash detection function. Turning to Apple's historic commercial rival, namely Samsung, we certainly step out of the luxury world in terms of price, but certainly not in terms of performance. Samsung's latest smartwatch, the Galaxy Watch 5, includes a new skin temperature reader, a more scratch-resistant display, and a longer battery life, as well as reaching about 50 percent charge in 30 minutes. In short, the choices in the world of smartwatches are really many and various in terms of price, functionality, materials and design.

The best luxury hi-tech gadgets

After focusing on the best luxury smartwatches, it is time to give some space to other luxury hi-tech gadgets, which we present in detail in a dedicated article. These are exclusive - and very expensive - devices dedicated to the enjoyment of music, podcasts and any kind of audio files, such as innovative wireless earphones or super high-tech headphones made of the highest quality materials. But there are also branded video game consoles or speakers that become real luxury furniture items, or even luxury technological jewelry, which we address in another article. We have collected the best products in the particular category of luxury hi-tech gadgets, with their prices and the features that, along with their design, make them truly unique.

  • MB 01 x Maison Kitsuné by Montblanc headphones - The line of products launched by Montblanc in collaboration with Maison Kitsuné includes various luxury items designed for traveling, including these super high-tech over-ear headphones, which offer cutting-edge technology combined with a unique design, thanks to their leather ear pads, at a base price of 710 euros.
  • Cit-E backpack by Yves Saint Laurent - This nylon backpack is designed to better integrate with the latest tech devices, thanks to a collaboration between Yves Saint Laurent and Jacquard by Google, and offers maximum comfort in a size ideal for any travel, hovering around the 850 euros price tag.
  • Horizon earbuds by Louis Vuitton - Even the most famous fashion brand, Louis Vuitton, has launched itself into the market of luxury hi-tech gadgets, with the Horizon wireless earbuds, where the unmistakable logo of the French brand decorates a device with the highest quality technical specifications. The cost? "Only" 1.010 euros.
  • Speaker Horizon Light Up by Louis Vuitton - Let's stay in the house of Louis Vuitton for another hi-tech gadget dedicated to listening to music, namely the speaker Horizon Light Up, which echoes the lines of the well-known shoulder bag created by Frenchman Nicolas Ghesquière and offers above all top-notch technical features, although the weight is not exactly a convenience, being just under a kilo... costing a whopping 2.450 euros.
  • Xbox by Gucci - Let's move on to the first Italian brand on this list and dive into the world of video game consoles, as the collaboration the fashion house Gucci and the technology company Sony has resulted in 100 numbered limited-edition sets consisting of an Xbox Series X, decorated with the Italian brand's classic GG motif, and a pair of wireless controllers for decorated with Gucci's red and blue Web ribbon, all inside a hard case reminiscent of Gucci's archival suitcases. The price of this luxurious hi-tech collectible? Around 7.000 euros.

2022-10-07 10:24:19

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All about the most expensive whiskies: types, brands and prices

All about the most expensive whiskies: types, brands and prices

Whisky has always been one of the classiest and most beloved spirits around the world. But how do you evaluate a whisky and what are the best brands? Which whiskies represent a real investment and which are the best-selling in the world? Let's find out the names of the world's most expensive and finest whiskies.


Everything you need to know about whisky

An article is certainly not enough to comprehensively address the complex world of whisky, a distillate that has always represented the most classy and fascinating alcoholic beverage in the world. The perfect whisky can be an essential element within a cocktail - just like gin, which we present in another article - but it is also the quintessential straight-drinking spirit. Especially in the latter case, it is essential that the raw material is of the highest quality, that is, that the whisky in question is among the best in the world. After telling you about the most expensive rings in the world and the best luxury perfumes, which we present in a dedicated article, it is now time to discover the ranking of the most expensive whiskies, not before introducing everything you need to know about whisky, including the different types and the names of the best brands worldwide. First of all, it should be said that the word “whisky” comes from a term that in Gaelic - both Scottish and Irish - means "water" and was often associated with the word "life" (hence the Latin "aqua vitae"). The two paths have since diverged, as the difference between the Scottish whisky version (used in Canada) and the Irish whiskey version (used in the USA) concerns not only the spelling of the drinks (with or without an "e"), but also the smell and taste that characterizes them. In both cases, however, the basic ingredients of this distillate are spring water, cereals (rye, wheat, corn, and barley, which may or may not be malted, gray), peat to dry the malt and yeast.

Leaving aside for the sake of brevity the process and tools of whisky making, which obviously distinguish the Scotch from the Irish version, it is appropriate to at least present the different types of whisky. Starting with Scotch Whiskies, they can be Single Malt - the quintessential whisky - that are made from pure malted barley, processed into malt necessarily in Scotland by double distillation and barrel aging of at least 3 years, which, like bottling, must take place in Scotland. Blended Malt Whisky, also known as Vatted, on the other hand, is made from a blend of at least 2 single malts produced by different distilleries. Finally, Blended Scotch Whisky, the best-selling Scotch, is made from a blend between a Single Malt Scotch whisky and Single Grain Scotch whisky (namely the version of Scotch made with grain instead of malt). Moving on to Irish Whiskey, the differences increase, as it is made with a malt base to which rye, oats or wheat may be added, as well as involving the use of charcoal instead of peat and different distillation methods. The result is a softer, honeyed and much more velvety flavor than Scotch whisky. There are also American Whiskeys, which are classified into Bourbon, Tennessee Whiskey and Rye, all of which are made by distilling corn and rye, but with different percentages. Without delving further into the different types of whiskies (or whiskeys), it is also a must to mention Japanese whiskies, which are produced at the highest level and based on Scottish-style processing, both Blended and Single Malt, generally characterized by smooth and fragrant flavors.

The best whisky brands and bottles

Having defined the main types of whisky - although it is fair to say that there are others based on even more specific distinctions - it is now time to discover the best whisky brands to buy or give as gifts. First, however, it is appropriate to give some tips on how to evaluate a whisky and recognize its value. First of all, we need to start with the sense of smell, since it should not have an obvious alcohol smell to the nose. After that, the persistence in the mouth should not cause an irritating sensation on the palate or cover the bouquet of flavors. Based simply on the label, on the other hand, it is always preferable to choose whisky that has at least 10 years of aging and avoid spirits that contain additives. At this point we can offer you a selection of six products made by the best brands, which are among the best-selling whiskies and, of course, also among the best whiskies to give as gifts: let's find out.

  • Lagavulin Scotch Whisky Single Malt (16 years old) - This Scotch whisky is produced on the Isle of Islay, in the western seas of Scotland, and is a mahogany-colored Single Malt, characterized by notes of peat and smoke, but also sweeter (sherry, orange marmalade and salt), making it ideal for tasting accompanied by chocolate.
  • Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey - We move to the USA for this typically American Bourbon, thus made from corn, but ideal for those who want to enter the world of whiskeys from overseas, as it is pleasant and not excessive, with a deep red color and characterized by notes of hay, honey, herbs and vanilla. This is also one of the best whiskeys to give as gifts because of its distinctive packaging, but it is also ideal for cocktails.
  • Oban Scotch Whisky Single Malt (14 years old) - Back to Scotland for this Scotch Single Malt produced at the oldest distillery in the Scottish Highlands, right in Oban, and characterized on the nose by hints of briny, smoky, sweet notes of honey and caramel, while on the palate by flavors of dried fruits, woody tones, honey, offering a really pleasant overall experience.
  • Nikka Whisky From The Barrel - Among the best whiskies to buy, it is also a must to include a Japanese whisky, in particular this product that comes from the union of a single malt and a grain whisky, generating a whisky that is very firm and hard, but also smooth and pleasant, to be drunk neat and always chilled, so never at a temperature higher than 20 degrees or within a cocktail.
  • Laphroaig Islay Scotch Whisky Single Malt (10 years old) - We close our selection again in Scotland, on the island of Islay, with this Single Malt with an articulate aroma (burnt peat at the beginning, floral tones, fruit), sweet at the beginning, marine then (brackish, seaweed), for a complex taste experience and ideal for those who want to taste a true traditional Scottish whisky.

The world's most expensive whiskies

After discovering the different types of whiskies and the best whisky brands to buy or give as gifts, it is time to venture into the world of collectible whiskies, or, more generally, the most expensive whiskies in the world, so much so that they can be defined precisely as luxury or collectible products. Given their value and price, these are also some of the best whiskies to invest in, as they are distilled spirits aged for decades and contained in very valuable bottles. The price of some of these whiskies approaches that of luxury products such as the world's best sports cars - which we present in another article. The reason for the value of these whiskies is their scarcity - in the case of limited edition bottles - or even rarity - in the case of some almost unique whiskies. For this ranking, we relied on estimates published by the well-known New Zealand portal Wine-Searcher, which deals with these kinds of rankings related to alcoholic beverages. In particular, this ranking refers to Single Malt whiskies - that are the most popular and traditional ones. We just have to find out the ranking of the most expensive whiskies in the world.

  • The Yamazaki (55 years old) - around 882.000 euros
  • The Macallan Lalique (50 years old) - around 272.000 euros
  • The Macallan Lalique (62 years old) - around 165.000 euros
  • The Macallan Lalique (55 years old) - around 157.000 euros
  • Bowmore Aston Martin Black Bowmore DB5 - around 139.000 euros
  • The Macallan Red Collection (78 years old) - around 132.000 euros
  • The Macallan Lalique (72 years old) - around 131.000 euros
  • The Macallan (50 years old) - around 129.000 euros
  • The Macallan Lalique VI (65 years old) - around 129.000 euros
  • Gordon & MacPhail Generations Glenlivet (80 years old) - around 111.000 euros

2022-10-06 13:07:21

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Milan Fashion Week 2022: highlights and leading brands

Milan Fashion Week 2022: highlights and leading brands

The 2022 edition of Milan Fashion Week in the name of sustainability and inclusiveness has just ended: let's find out its highlights and which brands were the protagonists of the fashion shows. However, the future of the event could be virtual, as shown by the Metaverse Fashion Week, which brought fashion brands into the metaverse, confirming the growth of the luxury market in the virtual world.


Highlights from the Milan Fashion Week 2022

The Milan Fashion Week 2022 ended exactly a week ago (it was held from September 20 to 26), therefore it is time to make a review of this latest edition of one of the most beloved events in the fashion scene around the world, just like the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan in respect to interior design. This edition was focused on women's collections for summer 2023 and was characterized above all by a return of Milano Fashion Week to its normalcy, in terms of the number of side events, shows by the best fashion brands, thematic presentations, and ceremonies dedicated to crucial topics such as sustainability - a topic that has become increasingly central in the luxury goods market and, of course, in the fashion market as well, as we write in a dedicated article. To tell how Milan Fashion Week 2022 went, we want to start with an institution such as Giorgio Armani, who summed up, in the simplest way possible, the goal he had set for himself - and brilliantly achieved - for his collection: "Dressing women well, with elegance, to make them beautiful".

About his "Fil d'or" collection we will talk in more detail in a few lines. First we want to introduce another protagonist of this Milan Fashion Week, namely Kim Kardashian, who personally chose the garments that walked the runway for Dolce & Gabbana from the 1987-2007 archive of the two Italian designers. As anticipated, Milan Fashion Week 2022 was also the week of sustainability, a theme made central by the "Oscars of Green Fashion", in their fifth edition, awarded in a gala evening in the fabulous setting of the Teatro alla Scala with the 14 Sustainable Fashion Awards organized by Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana, among which one prize, the one for creativity, was gave precisely to Giorgio Armani by the famous Australian actress Cate Blanchett. Impossible not to mention also the Moncler show on the occasion of the brand's 70th anniversary, celebrated in Piazza del Duomo with a cast of nearly 2.000 people (700 dancers, 200 musicians, 100 choristers and 952 models). But Milan Fashion Week 2022 also gave rise in the Lombard capital to many other side events, presentations, opportunities for designers to meet and, above all, the shows of the best fashion brands from around the world.

The best brands featured in the fashion shows

It is now time to talk about the best brands featured in the Milan Fashion Week 2022 shows, which left behind several interesting insights. These are also the best fashion brands in the world, which we present in an article dedicated to luxury clothes. Let's start again with Giorgio Armani with his "Fil d'or" collection designed for spring-summer 2023 and to bring some brightness and cheerfulness in a global context certainly not reassuring at the moment, also thanks to the use of skittles, but above all to the colors chosen, ranging from gray to blue, ending in pale gold. The models paraded by Armani looked elegant in their soft suits, skirts closed at the ankles like sarouel pants and low heels, chosen not to bring the "violence" of high heels to the runway. Another Italian global fashion giant, namely Gucci, used the theme of identical doubles for its show, parading 68 pairs of twins (100 females and 36 males) from designer Alessandro Michele's inspiration stemming from the story of his mother and her twin sister. Another Italian fashion brand like Benetton took center stage at the Milan Fashion Week 2022 shows, thanks to the work of designer Andrea Incontri, who focused on knitwear, mélange, stripes and fruit for a fresh and fun collection.

Even the world-famous luxury car manufacturer - the subject of another article - Ferrari also took part in Fashion Week 2022 by relying on Rocco Iannone, who designed dresses of lurex and opalescent sequins, without neglecting classic paddock jackets and a copy of the race suit to hark back to the world of Formula One. Bottega Veneta, which also had Kate Moss on the runway dressed in a checkered shirt and jeans made of leather, and Luisa Beccaria, whose collection was inspired by the marine world with fabrics and textures reminiscent of the waves of the sea, also performed well. Also Donatella Versace was a protagonist among the brands starring in the shows at Milan Fashion Week 2022, with the most famous supermodels on the planet - Gigi and Bella Hadid, Emily Ratajkowski, Irina Shayk and Paris Hilton, who wore a pink wedding dress. Instead, Missoni, which put the work of renowned hair stylist Jawara Wauchope at the center, and Moschino by Jeremy Scott, which chose inflatable accessories for its models - ducks, swans, donuts, muffs and so on -, focused on details. We close this review of the best brands protagonists of the fashion shows at Milan Fashion Week 2022 with Elisabetta Franchi, which for its collection followed as a common thread the travel theme, inspiring its clothes and women's wardrobe proposed for spring-summer 2023.

Discovering the Metaverse Fashion Week

As we write in our article about the luxury real estate market in the virtual world, there are already many luxury brands that landed in the metaverse, including Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton and Moncler. These luxury fashion brands testify to how the market for the most exclusive luxury clothes and accessories in the virtual world is already flourishing, thanks in part to the many VIPs who have pioneered the purchase of virtual products signed by famous brands. This trend was definitely confirmed by the Metaverse Fashion Week, which was held at the end of March on Decentraland and featured Dolce & Gabbana, Hugo Boss, Etro, Giuseppe Zanotti, Hogan, Dundas, Tommy Hilfiger, Philipp Plein and many others. The modes of fashion brands' presence at this event were mainly two: the format of the virtual fashion show, modeled after the traditional Fashion Week ones, and the display of NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), or digital products certified through blockchain technology.

The protagonists, in addition to the haute couture brands, were the avatars of the models who walked the runway and those of the audience, within virtual locations curated in every detail and enlivened by music, as typically happens during such events in the real world. Of course, all the garments, accessories and outfits were made through wearable NFTs, which were available for purchase to event attendees. In fact, visitors had the opportunity to watch the very first fashion shows in the metaverse. But not only that. They also had the chance to participate in virtual aperitifs or enter equally virtual boutiques, just like in Milan during the Fashion Week. Within these environments, each brand set up a booth to sell their NFTs and meet the Metaverse Fashion Week audience, who witnessed how the luxury goods market is increasingly thriving in the virtual world.

2022-10-06 09:17:23

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Luxury food: all about the most expensive foods and restaurants in the world

Luxury food: all about the most expensive foods and restaurants in the world

Luxury restaurants are a guarantee regarding the quality and refinement of the dishes, thus justifying the very high price of their menus. But there are also raw materials whose price is very high: let's find out which are the most expensive foods and restaurants in the world, made unique also by the exclusivity of the locations and the service offered to their guests.


The most expensive foods in the world

It might be strange a comparison between the most expensive diamonds in the world and a jar of honey, or even between one of the best luxury bags and a watermelon. In reality there are foods whose cost is so high as to reach that of the most precious luxury goods, resulting so exclusive that only a few are in the condition to taste them. In fact, enjoying one of the most expensive foods in the world requires a real investment, but these are very rare foods with unique characteristics: let's find out which is a selection of some of the most expensive foods in the world.

  • White Truffle of Alba - We start from Italy for this food with a unique taste, characterized by spicy and aromatic notes, with a smooth and clear appearance, with a yellow and streaked pulp. The white truffle of Alba is also impossible to cultivate, making its price even higher, which has even exceeded 100.000 euros per kilo for a specimen of truffle weighing about 1,5 kg.
  • Elvish Honey - This is the most expensive honey in the world, also because it comes from a beehive located in Turkey at 1.800 meters deep, where the environment and the minerals present in the cave give the honey an unmistakable taste. The price? About 40.000 euros per kilo.
  • Kopi Luwak Coffee - This typical Indonesian coffee is made from the coffee berries eaten, digested and defecated by the Luwak, the common palm civet, an animal that lives in South East Asia. The price ranges from 650 to 2.500 euros per kilo for the Vietnamese version of Kopi Luwak coffee, the most expensive.
  • Pule cheese - To make a kilo of this cheese, produced in the area of ​​Serbia and Montenegro, you need as much as 25 liters of donkey milk from the Balkans, as well as long maturing times, which bring the price to around 1.300 euros per kilo.
  • Caviar Almas - This Beluga caviar is produced by the centennial albino sturgeon in Iran and sold in Europe exclusively by The Caviar House & Prunier (London) in a 24-karat gold package at a cost of as much as 22.500 euros per kilo.
  • Yubari King Melon - This melon is grown in the small town of Yubari on the island of Hokkaido (Japan) in very limited quantities and with a very expensive treatment, which also includes daily massages and washes, which cause the price of over 17.000 euros for just one of these fruits.
  • Swallow's nests - Used in the Chinese culinary tradition, the nests of salangane (more than swallows, they are swifts) are found in hidden areas inside caves and are built with these birds with saliva in about a month, making this very expensive food, up to a maximum of 7.200 euros per kilo.
  • Saffron - Very widespread in Italy and made famous by the Milanese risotto, saffron is obtained from the stigma of Crocus sativus, but it takes about 150.000 flowers and 40 hours of work to get a kilo, which therefore can cost from 700 to 8.000 euros per kilo.
  • Watermelons Densuke - Let's go back to Japan for the most expensive watermelons in the world, precisely north of the island of Hokkaido, where these black fruits are grown, famous for their balanced sweetness and… for the price of about 580 euros per kilo or even more so in the case of particularly large watermelon specimens.
  • Matsutake mushrooms - We remain in Japan for these very rare mushrooms, which grow, as well as in Japan, also in China, Korea, United States, Canada, Finland and Sweden, even if the most expensive variety is the one called "red pine", which grows precisely in the Japanese woods only at certain times and can cost up to 2.000 euros per kilo.

The most expensive restaurants in the world

Enjoying a meal in a real luxury restaurant is an experience to try at least once in a lifetime. The dishes and flavors offered to guests by these structures are truly exceptional, in some cases unique. In fact, luxury restaurants guarantee dream menus in exclusive locations, as well as elegant interiors and a very high quality treatment. But which are the most expensive luxury restaurants in the world? After having already presented the most luxurious restaurants on the Italian territory based on the ranking of The World's Best 50 Restaurants, the time has come to discover the most expensive restaurants in the world.

  • Sublimotion (Ibiza, Spain) - A futuristic luxury experience in which a cyber-chef cooks for every diner with the possibility of eating in the virtual world, born from an idea of ​​Paco Roncero, two Michelin star chef and co-founder of the room. Menu cost: around 1.500 euros.
  • Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet (Shanghai, China) - A multisensory experience thanks to walls made of moving images surrounding each table. Menu cost: around 1.200 euros.
  • Kitcho Arashiyama Honten (Tokyo, Japan) - A true traditional Japanese restaurant with seven dining rooms overlooking a manicured garden and a menu based on local seasonal ingredients. Menu cost: around 780 euros.
  • Azabu Kadowaki, (Tokyo, Japan) - Still in Japan, chef Toshiya Kadowaki leads this upscale restaurant, where every dish is served in hand-painted Japanese ceramics. Menu cost: around 700 euros.
  • Masa (New York, USA) - Japanese cuisine also reigns in the United States of America, where chef Masayoshi Takayama leads this luxury restaurant with unique dishes. Menu cost: around 690 euros.
  • Joël Robuchon (Tokyo, Japan) - This restaurant is located in Tokyo in a castle that reflects the style of the French Palace of Versailles. Menu cost: around 550 euros.
  • Kikunoi Honten (Kyoto, Japan) - Same price for the restaurant of chef Yoshihiro Murata who has the chef personally choose the fish, who worked on board a fishing boat before moving on to the stove. Menu cost: around 550 euros.
  • Gion Maruyama (Kyoto, Japan) - Also in Kyoto, this restaurant favors natural ingredients, such as bamboo shoots. Menu cost: around 550 euros.
  • Guy Savoy (Paris, France) - We get to France for this restaurant where color reigns, both in the courses and on the paintings hanging on the walls. Menu cost: around 530 euros.
  • Piazza Duomo (Alba, Italy) - The most expensive restaurant in Italy is the eighth in the world and it is the Piazza Duomo of chef Enrico Crippa, three Michelin stars located in the Langhe, the territory of origin of the Alba white truffle, that is one of the most expensive foods in the world mentioned a few lines ago. Menu cost: around 500 euros.
  • Ciel Bleu (Amsterdam, Holland) - In the capital of the Netherlands, on the 23rd floor of the Okura hotel, is this luxury restaurant famous for its king crab with Baerii caviar and Beurre blanc ice cream. Menu cost: around 500 euros.
  • Alchemist (Copenhagen, Denmark) - We get to Denmark for this restaurant that offers a tasting itinerary of 50 courses, for a duration ranging from 4 to 6 hours, accompanied by live performances and artistic installations, as well as the possibility of enjoying a cellar which has about 10,000 bottles. Cost of the menu: around 480 euros.

The most expensive restaurants in Italy

To close this journey exploring the combination between taste and luxury, it is also worth mentioning the names of the most expensive luxury restaurants in Italy. Apart from the Piazza Duomo restaurant in Alba, already cited as one of the most expensive in the world, we discover another five of the most exclusive Italian luxury restaurants, starting with the chefs who guide them and the prices of the menus offered.

  • MUDEC (Milan, Lombardy) - The restaurant of chef Enrico Bartolini, the most starred in Italy, is located in the heart of Milan and offers two tasting proposals, drinks not included, both at a cost of 275 euros (with an additional 190 euros it is possible to enjoy a wine tasting itinerary), with nine and ten dishes respectively.
  • Osteria Francescana (Modena, Emilia-Romagna) - The Modenese restaurant of starred chef Massimo Bottura offers dishes that combine tradition and contemporary cuisine in the tasting menu, with 12 courses that are always different and always at a cost of 290 euros, to which it is possible to add wine tasting at a cost of 190 euros.
  • La Pergola (Rome, Lazio) - Heinz Beck's Roman restaurant offers a ten-course tasting menu at a cost of 290 euros and a seven-course menu at a price of 250 euros, both of which can be enjoyed while admiring one of the most beautiful views of Rome.
  • Enoteca Pinchiorri (Florence, Tuscany) - Chef Annie Féolde, the first woman in Italy with three Michelin stars, has chosen Florence for her restaurant, which offers a tasting menu at the price of 200 euros and a more refined and complete menu that costs 250 euro each.
  • Solo per due (Vacone, Rieti, Lazio) - We close this review of the most expensive restaurants in Italy with a place that is also the smallest luxury restaurant in Italy, since it can only accommodate two people, at a cost of 250 euro each, for a meal dedicated to class, taste… and intimacy.

2022-09-30 10:42:02

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All about the cadastral categories of luxury properties

All about the cadastral categories of luxury properties

Italian law classifies luxury properties in detail based on their characteristics, which identify different cadastral categories with consequent differences in respect to taxation, IMU and tax benefits: let's take a look at the types of luxury homes based on the Italian regulations about them.


Cadastral classification and categories of luxury homes

Before talking about the classification of luxury properties on the basis of Italian law and therefore of the different cadastral categories that identify them, it is appropriate to recall what is the legislation that defines the characteristics of luxury homes, namely the Ministerial Decree of 2 August 1969, issued pursuant to and for the purposes of law n. 408, and subsequent amendments and additions, of the law 2 February 1960, n. 35, and subsequent amendments and additions, of the decree-law 11 December 1967, n. 1150, converted into the law of 7 February 1968. This document precisely defines eight categories of homes, among which three are considered luxury based on various criteria, including the surface area in square meters, the presence of tennis courts or a swimming pool larger than a certain size - as we explain in a dedicated article -, the value of the area on which the property was built and so on. Furthermore, the presence of five or more characteristics present in the “Table of characteristics (point 8 of the Ministerial Decree of 2 August 1969)” - which we will see in more detail later - causes a property to be considered luxury. In particular, on the basis of the aforementioned regulations and the characteristics that identify luxury homes, three cadastral categories relating to this type of house have been defined.

The first is the cadastral category A/1, or the "stately homes", namely real estate units belonging to buildings located in prestigious areas with constructive, technological and finishing characteristics of a higher level than that of residential buildings, with a large surface. In some cases, however, mini apartments obtained, for example, from the splitting of villas, can also be part of this category, if they are in positions of particular value or prestige. The second is the cadastral category A/8 of "Homes in villas", which includes properties essentially characterized by the presence of a park and/or garden, built in urban areas intended for such constructions or in prestigious areas with construction and finishing characteristics of a level above the ordinary. The real estate unit must have main rooms with a large surface area, a substantial gross surface area and a large surface area of ​​the relevant open area, with construction and finishing characteristics and a range of systems and services of a higher than ordinary level. Finally, luxury homes obviously include those properties belonging to the cadastral category A/9, "Castles, eminent palaces", which by structure, distribution of internal spaces and built volumes are not comparable with the standard units of the other categories and constitute usually only one real estate unit. All the properties belonging to the other cadastral categories, on the other hand, are not included among the luxury homes and are therefore treated differently by Italian law.

All about the IMU and tax benefits for luxury properties

The topic of taxation on luxury goods in Italy is a topic that we have explored in a dedicated article, also relating to types of assets other than real estate, and also mentioned in reference to the 2022 land registry reform. Going back to focusing on the taxation of real estate in Italy, the regulatory definition of "luxury property" is essential to quantify the taxes owed to the state by the owners of luxury homes, which, in a nutshell, cannot take advantage of the tax benefits guaranteed to homeowners who do not fall into this category. The taxation of luxury homes in Italy primarily concerns the purchase and sale of this type of property, starting with the taxes for the purchase of a first luxury home, which depend on the type of transaction, whether with a taxable deed at VAT or with a purchase subject to proportional registration tax. In the first case, if the house has even only one of the characteristics that identify luxury properties, the buyer cannot enjoy the concessions for the purchase of the first home. In the second case, however, the Ministerial Decree of 2 August 1969 lapses and the cadastral classification prevails, therefore the possible inclusion or not of the property in one of the cadastral categories A/1, A/8 or A/9, which would exclude it from tax deductions and concessions for the purchase of a first home.

Another central issue with respect to the taxation of luxury homes is that relating to the IMU, or the (Imposta Municipale Unica, Single Municipal Tax), which does not have to be paid for the first home if the latter falls within the cadastral categories ranging from A/2 to A/7, given that the latter category, although for some characteristics it is similar to luxury homes, is not subject to the IMU when it comes to first homes used as main dwellings. So, summing up, also in this case belonging to one of the cadastral categories A/1, A/8 or A/9 eliminates the possibility of obtaining the tax concessions relating to the IMU for the first home and forces the owners to pay the 4 per thousand, benefiting only from a deduction established by the municipality in which the property is located. Finally, also with regard to the tax breaks that are normally granted to a first home and the new concession on homes given on loan for use to children or parents who withdraw a 50% reduction of the TASI, luxury homes are excluded from these tax benefits.

The characteristics of luxury properties

Finally, to exhaust the topic relating to luxury properties under Italian law, the time has come to list what are the characteristics that make certain homes are considered luxury in Italy, namely:

    1) urban areas intended for villas or private parks;
    2) plots of land of less than 3.000 square meters, excluding agricultural areas;
    3) buildings with a volume greater than 2.000 cubic meters or with a building index of 0,25 cubic meters/square meters;
    4) homes with a swimming pool of at least 80 square meters or tennis courts with a drained substrate with an area of ​​not less than 650 square meters;
    5) houses with a gross surface area greater than 200 square meters (excluding balconies, terraces, cellars, attics, stairs and parking spaces) and with an uncovered area of ​​more than 6 times the covered area;
    6) real estate units with useful surface (including walls, excluding balconies, terraces, cellars, attics, stairs and parking spaces) greater than 240 square meters;
    7) dwellings built on valuable areas (or where the cost of the land covered and pertinent exceeds the cost of construction alone by one and a half times);
    8) homes with at least five characteristics among those indicated in the "Table of characteristics (point 8 of the Ministerial Decree of 2 August 1969)" shown below.

Here is also the "Table of characteristics (point 8 of the Ministerial Decree of 2 August 1969)", cited above, with respect to which a luxury home must have at least five characteristics among those listed below.

  • Surface: total useful area over 160 square meters (excluding terraces and balconies, cellars, attics, stairs and parking spaces).
  • Covered and uncovered terraces and balconies: when their total useful area exceeds 65 square meters serving a single urban real estate unit.
  • Lifts: when there is more than one lift for each staircase (each additional lift counts for a characteristic if the staircase serves less than 7 raised floors).
  • Service ladder: when it is not required by laws, regulations or imposed by the need to prevent accidents or fires.
  • Goods lift or service lift: when they are serving less than 4 floors.
  • Main staircase: with walls covered with precious materials for an average height of more than 170 cm or with walls covered with precious materials.
  • Net free height of the floor: higher than 3,3 m unless building regulations provide for higher minimum heights.
  • Entrance doors to the apartments from an internal staircase: in precious or solid wood and veneer; carved, carved or inlaid wood; with superimposed or embossed precious decorations.
  • Floors: made for a total area of ​​more than 50% of the total usable area of ​​the apartment in precious material, with processed precious materials.
  • Walls: when over 30% of their total surface is made with precious materials and works, covered with fabrics or other precious materials.
  • Ceilings: if decorated with coffered or decorated with stuccoes pulled in place or hand painted, excluding the small shapes of detachment between walls and ceilings.
  • Swimming pool: indoor or outdoor, in masonry, when it is at the service of a building or a complex of buildings comprising less than 15 real estate units.
  • Tennis court: when it is used for a building or a complex of buildings comprising less than 15 real estate units.

2022-09-28 16:07:14

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All about the most expensive gins: types, brands and prices

All about the most expensive gins: types, brands and prices

In recent years, gin has become one of the most glamorous and popular alcoholic beverages in the world, especially for gin tonic lovers. But what are the different types of gin and which are the best brands? When can a premium gin be defined as luxury and which are the most expensive gins in the world? Let's find out the ranking, with a focus on the different types and names of the best brands.


Which gin to choose: the types

The right drink is a fundamental element to enjoy an aperitif or an evening with friends. But to truly enjoy a drink, it is essential that the raw materials are of the highest quality, especially when it comes to spirits. Just like gin, a distillate that has become one of the most glamorous and popular alcoholic beverages in the world, especially for gin tonic lovers. After talking to you about the best luxury perfumes in the world and the luxury watch models, which we present in a dedicated article, the time has come to discover the ranking of the most expensive gins, not before having dedicated space to a focus on the different types of gin and the names of the best brands that produce them worldwide. In recent years, gin has become one of the most chosen spirits in clubs around the world, thus favoring the growth or, in some cases, the birth of some brands that produce the best gins in the world. In fact, there are different types of distilleries: from the industrial and already established ones to the handcrafted ones, more niche and often widespread only in some geographical areas. First, it is appropriate to define some essential characteristics of this spirit, namely the fact that it is obtained by flavoring ethyl alcohol with juniper berries and that its minimum alcohol content is 37.5% alc./vol., In addition to the fact that, in the production of gin, only natural flavoring substances can be used.

Then it is necessary to clarify that the first element to consider when choosing which gin to buy must first of all be its type, based on your personal taste. A first distinction to be made is therefore that between Dry gins, distilled gins and so-called Compound gins. Dry gins are the least sweet, since they require the addition of a maximum of 0,1 grams of sugar per liter, as well as the impossibility of using non-vegetable substances and spirit flavors, but only vegetable extracts (such as citrus fruits) , and they are also those with the strongest note of juniper. In particular, for London Dry gins it is not possible to use any type of flavor, but the amount of sugar can be even 0,5 grams per liter. As for the distilled and Compound gins, the former simply provide for the possibility of adding other aromatic substances at the end of the distillation, while the latter are obtained by flavoring pure alcohol with alcoholates produced by third parties, through a simple assembly, namely a compound which is obtained cold, without distillation but only by mixing together the alcoholates of the individual spices and herbs.

Which gin to buy: the best brands

After defining the most important types of gin - even there are others based on even more specific distinctions -, it is time to discover the best brands of gin. Since the right drink is a fundamental element to enjoy an aperitif or an evening with friends, we suggest some of the best gins to buy and to keep at home for special occasions. Among the best gins to choose from, it is impossible not to mention first of all Hendrick's, a Scottish distillate produced by William Grant & Sons in Girvan with botanicals characterized by traits of orange peel, lemon, elderflower, chamomile and obviously juniper berries. Hendrick's is a balanced and pleasant gin, complemented by aromas of rose petal and cucumber oil, making it suitable for drinking straight. Another gin increasingly in vogue is the Spanish Gin Mare, produced on the coasts of the Mediterranean (in Catalonia) and characterized by a hint of Mediterranean scrub, thanks to botanicals such as bitter orange from Valencia and sweet orange from Seville, Italian basil, cardamom, rosemary, olives, thyme and coriander. Gin Mare is thus very aromatic and intense, with a marked herbal smell.

In addition to the United Kingdom and Europe, another world leader in gin is Japan, especially thanks to products such as Roku Gin, made with six Japanese botanicals ("roku" means "six" in Japanese) - like flowers of Sakura and two different types of green tea -, plus eight more usual ones. These two gins - Mare and Roku - are perfect for a gin tonic, but less suitable for drinking straight. In this list of the best gins, it is also worth mentioning the Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Dry Gin, a distillate produced in Germany and created by Alexander Stein, who wanted to use 47 botanicals - hence the name - to make it. Monkey is a gin balanced between fruity and floral, with spicy notes ranging from acacia flowers and ginger, to wild jasmine and cranberry. Finally, for those wishing to buy a premium gin as a present for some enthusiast, we suggest evaluating the London Dry Gin Fisher, contained in an elegant bottle and characterized by hints of spicy herbs, citrus fruits and vegetables. To close, instead, with an Italian gin, we want to mention the Tuscan GinArte, produced in Panzano di Greve in Chianti (Florence) and characterized by five typically regional botanicals, as well as by a beautiful package that includes two different versions, both dedicated to the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.

The most expensive gins in the world

After having discovered the different types of gin and the best brands of gin to buy, the time has come to venture into the world of premium or luxury gins, or spirits that can be defined precisely as luxury products for their cost. In fact, there are several aged gins made with refined ingredients, as well as being enclosed in expensive bottles and packaging, therefore characterized by really high prices: we are certainly not at the level of luxury products with the value of the most expensive diamonds in the world - which we present in a another article -, but even the most expensive gins in the world are truly exclusive items: let's find out!

    5. Cambridge Anty Gin (250 euros) - This gin is made in the UK, has a strong citrus flavor and each bottle contains 62 red ants which give it a very unique taste.
    4. Hms Victory Oak Barrel Aged Navy Strength Gin (450 euros) - Made from a 19th-century recipe from the British Royal Navy, this distillate was created in collaboration with the National Museum of Royal Navy in Portsmouth and is contained in an oak casing, a truly unique packaging that increases its value.
    3. Nolet's Reserve Gin (650 euros) - We get to Holland for this gin produced by a distillery that has lasted for ten generations and makes a limited edition product, characterized by the contrasting flavors of verbena and spicy saffron, as well as by a higher alcohol content. higher than average (52.3% alc./vol.).
    2. Cambridge Watenshi Gin (2.500 euros) - This gin is one of the most expensive in the world, given it is produced in collaboration by a distillery and a jewelry store, which makes only six bottles of each batch, all limited edition and decorated with embroidery in silver, ideal for containing a distillate made using a unique technique, which uses the vapors of the Cambridge Distillery Japanese Gin and requires as many as 50 distillations to make a single bottle, since each process generates only 15 ml of gin.
    1. Morus LXIV Gin (4.500 euros) - And here is the most expensive gin in the world, a distillate produced by the English brand Jam Jar Gin and sold exclusively in London in the luxury department of Harvey Nichols in Knightsbridge, being a limited edition that counts only 25 bottles and made with leaves of an ancient mulberry tree, for a final alcohol content of 64% alc./vol. The processing of Morus LXIV Gin is very long, since the mulberry leaf is harvested by hand and dried individually before distillation together with the other botanicals, and its casing justifies a part of the price, given that it is a bottle of handmade porcelain accompanied by a glass contained in a leather case.

2022-09-26 12:31:28

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