All about the most expensive cigars: types, brands and prices
Cigars are a very exclusive and classy passion, but it is also very widespread around the world. But which are the most expensive cigars and which are the best cigars to enjoy accompanied by a whiskey? Which are the best Cubans and which are the best flavored? Let's find out the names of the most expensive cigars and the best brands in the world, as well as the best cigar humidors.
- Brands and prices of the world's best cigars
- The best Italian and Cuban cigars
- The best brands of luxury whiskey
Brands and prices of the world's best cigars
Cigars are a passion that can be defined as luxury, at least as far as true connoisseurs are concerned. Yes, because the best cigars in the world come at a very high price and are not always readily available in every nation. If one really wants to talk about truly luxury cigars, one must refer to items in the category of Dominican Gurkha cigars. This brand owes its name to the fierce Nepalese warriors, the Gurkha precisely, so much so that their logo depicts a warrior. These cigars are a truly exclusive product, as they are the most expensive in the world and are popular in very wealthy circles, such as royal families, high-ranking military, government leaders and VIPs. Do you want an idea of the price of these cigars? For example, Gurkha Maharaja cigars cost about 20.000 euros for a box of 10 pieces, so roughly 2.000 euros per cigar. This cigar is a particular limited edition item, but the other Gurkha cigar lines, though less expensive, are still luxury cigars as well. In addition to these exceptional cases, which represent the most expensive cigars in the world, based on the American cigar magazine, Cigar Aficionado analyzed about 700 cigars to determine the ranking of the world's best cigars: let's find out which are the top three.- Montecristo No. 2 - As we will see better later, Montecristo is perhaps the most famous and appreciated brand of Cuban cigars in the world and, in particular, the Montecristo No. 2 is a cigar known for its balance and aromatic palette, as well as its full-bodied smoke, loaded with aromas that move from milder to stronger notes in the last third. Price: about 14 euros for one cigar.
- Aging Room Quattro F55 Concerto - This Dominican cigar produced by Tabacalera La Palma, is made exclusively with Dominican tobaccos, except for the capa, which is instead imported from Indonesia. Price: about 10 euros for one cigar.
- Davidoff Nicaragua Toro - This cigar is the result of a journey of experimentation and refinement that lasted about ten years, during which the Dominican tobacconist Davidoff carried out careful research into the territory, the tobacco, and the right balance to make a truly unique quality of cigar. Price: about 20 euros for one cigar.
The best Italian and Cuban cigars
Now that we know which are the three best cigars in the world, it is time to also find out which are the best Italian and Cuban cigars available on the market. Especially when it comes to Cuban cigars, there are many different types, but we decided to select three, which represent excellence in cigars. We did the same for the Italian cigars, which we present below.- Toscano: These are among the oldest cigars produced in Italy, as Toscano cigars were born in 1818 in the Manifattura tabacchi in Florence, where a batch of tobacco left to dry in the sun was soaked by a violent downpour, giving the tobacco leaves a new taste. Today there are several lines of Toscani cigars and of different types, including blended and flavored blended cigars, which are also ideal for enjoying a whiskey.
- Italico: These cigars are much newer, as they are produced, starting in 2013, by the Mosi (Moderno Opificio del Sigaro Italiano) company in the province of Treviso, with Kentucky tobacco from different regions of Italy. The Italico cigars also come in different types, such as the Ammezzato Italico Classico, the two licorice and ammazzacaffè flavored cigars, as well as a non-ammezzato cigar, the Ambasciator Italico Classico.
- Pedroni: We close the list of the best Italian cigar brands with Pedroni cigars, produced from 1848 in Italy, before Rodolfo Pedroni moved to Switzerland (in 1948) to found the Fabbrica Tabacchi Brissago, which today is a brand within the Toscano company, mentioned a few lines ago. Pedroni cigars are made in two lines: classic and Pedroni mix, which includes various types of flavored cigars (mojito, vanilla ice, cherry brandy, etc.).
Let’s now turn to the brands producing the best Cuban cigars, that is, cigars that are ideal to be accompanied by a good whiskey, especially if it is one of the best whisky in the world. Especially in this case, it is not easy to select a limited number of brands, but we have tried to choose the three most representative when it comes to high-end Cuban cigars.
- Cohiba: This is the brand that represents more than any other the luxury and class of the Cuban cigar, representing the highest point of all Made in Cuba cigar production. Apparently, the first admirers of Cohiba cigars were even Fidel Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Officially launched in 1966, they appeared on the international market starting in 1982 and were enriched with different types of cigars until 2007, with the launch of the Maduro 5 line.
- Montecristo: This Cuban cigar brand was founded in 1935 by Alonso Menendez and Pepe Garcia, who made luxury and elegance the cornerstones of their manufacture. The name is obviously a tribute to the protagonist of the famous novel "The Count of Montecristo", written by Alexandre Dumas, a favorite among the texts read to torcedores (i.e., cigar rollers) in the first Montecristo cigar factory, H. Upmann. This brand of Cuban cigars is now the world's most famous brand of habanos.
- Partagas: We close with perhaps the most popular brand of Cuban cigars in Italy, partly because of the manufacture, which is visited by thousands of tourists every year. Partagas cigars have been produced since 1845 when Don Jaime Partagas founded the manufactory, before it passed to the Cifuentes family. These Cuban cigars are now a globally known brand and destined to remain a leader in the industry.
Before closing this journey into the world of cigars, a few lines should also be devoted to the topic of humidifiers. Since the cigar is composed of organic materials, in order to maintain its qualities it must be stored according to certain criteria, mainly related to the level of relative humidity. Without going into technicalities, this purpose can be easily achieved thanks to specific containers, namely humidors, designed to keep tobacco products (both loose cigars and packs) at a constant relative humidity. Let's discover some of the best humidors on the market.
- Egoist JK00423 Humidor Dolomiti - This is a cherry wood model with three drawers, capable of holding about 80 cigars or 70 Tuscans. The top window is made of glass, while the humidification system includes a hygrometer on the lid to keep track of the readings at all times.
- Set Umidificatore Angelo - This humidor has Spanish cedar interior and can hold about 25 cigars. It has a hygrometer and is plush at the bottom so it can be placed on a wooden cabinet without scratching it. It also includes an extensive set of accessories including ashtray, pipette, double-bladed cigar cutter and leather cigar case.
- Humidor con Igrometro e Umidificatore Germanus - This humidor is also made of Spanish cedar wood and includes a hygrometer and humidifier. It can accommodate about 50 cigars and is sold together with a guide in English and German ideal for those new to cigar humidor use.
The best brands of luxury whiskey
After discovering which are the most expensive cigars in the world and which are the best brands of Italian and Cuban cigars, it is time to also present the best brands of whiskey to go with a cigar. We have presented in detail types and characteristics of the best and most expensive whiskies in the world in an article specifically dedicated to the topic, so here we will just present you with a selection of six products made by the best brands, which are among the best-selling whiskies and, of course, also among the best whiskies to give and enjoy with a cigar.- Lagavulin Scotch Whisky Single Malt (16 years old) - This Scotch whisky is produced on the Isle of Islay, in the western seas of Scotland, and is a mahogany-colored single malt, characterized by notes of peat and smoke, but also sweeter (sherry, orange marmalade and salt), making it ideal for tasting accompanied by chocolate.
- Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey - We move to the USA for this typically American Bourbon, thus made from corn, but ideal for those who would like to enter the world of whiskeys from overseas, as it is pleasant and not excessive, with a deep red color and characterized by notes of hay, honey, herbs and vanilla. This is also one of the best whiskeys to give as gifts because of its distinctive packaging, but it is also ideal for cocktails.
- Oban Scotch Whisky Single Malt (14 years old) - Back to Scotland for this Scotch Single Malt produced at the oldest distillery in the Scottish Highlands, right in Oban, and characterized on the nose by hints of briny, smoky, sweet notes of honey and caramel, while on the palate by flavors of dried fruits, woody tones, honey, offering a really pleasant overall experience.
- Nikka Whisky From The Barrel - Among the best whiskies to buy, it is also a must to include a Japanese whisky, in particular this product that comes from the union of a single malt and a grain whisky, generating a whisky that is very firm and hard, but also smooth and pleasant, to be drunk neat and always chilled, so never at a temperature higher than 20 degrees or within a cocktail.
- Laphroaig Islay Scotch Whisky Single Malt (10 years old) - We close our selection again in Scotland, on the island of Islay, with this Single Malt with an articulate aroma (burnt peat at the beginning, floral tones, fruit), sweet at the beginning, marine then (brackish, seaweed), for a complex taste experience and ideal for those who want to taste a true traditional Scottish whisky.
2022-11-18 11:20:08
Discovering the most expensive computer in the world... and the hi-tech luxury
There are more and more luxury tech items to buy, and some of them are really exclusive items, such as the most expensive computer in the world, the best high-end home appliances but not only: let's find out what is the most expensive PC on the planet in 2022 and what are the other high-end hi-tech items.
- The world's most expensive luxury computer in 2022
- The best luxury home appliances
- All about the best luxury hi-tech gadgets
The world's most expensive luxury computer in 2022
This is not the first time we write about the increasing importance that cutting-edge technologies are playing within the luxury market. We note this in our article dedicated to tech and virtual jewelry in the metaverse, but also with respect to the best luxury smartwatches to buy. In this article, however, we want to focus on the world of computers and, in particular, luxury PCs. More specifically, we want to present to you the most expensive computer in the world in 2022. Are you ready to find out what it is? It is the Jupiter, a model produced by ZEUS Computer, a Japanese technology company. This model is now dated, since it dates back to 2008, but it has some features that still make it the most expensive luxury computer in the world in 2022. And it's not about the technical specifications, as Jupiter is equipped with a 3 GHz Intel E6850 Core 2 Duo processor, 2 gigabytes of DDR2 PC2-5300 RAM, GeForce 8400GS with 256 megabytes of onboard memory, and from a 1 terabyte capacity hard drive.What makes the Jupiter a true luxury PC and raises its price is the case that covers it, since it is made entirely of the finest materials, namely platinum and precious stones, which have even been arranged in such a way as to reproduce certain constellations. The price of this real technological gem? About 545.000 euros (or 80 million yen, the Japanese currency). In addition to the Jupiter, ZEUS Computer has also thought of a less expensive, but still luxury model, namely the Mars. In fact, this PC costs "only" about 410.000 euros (corresponding to 60 million Yen), given that, with the same technical features, this computer is placed in a casing made of gold, still configuring itself as a luxury PC. Turning instead to the most expensive computer ever, it is necessary to go back in time to 2013, when, as part of a charity auction for the prevention and treatment of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in Africa, a truly unique computer was auctioned off, namely the Mac Pro (RED) - along with other more unique than rare collectibles. The price paid for this technological gem was even about 977.000 euros, as it was a model designed by the then Apple designer Jony Ive, in collaboration with fellow designer Marc Newson.
The best luxury home appliances
The field of luxury technologies also includes, of course, all those high-end home appliances that, in terms of features and price, represent real investments. Luxury home appliances are products that are both technological, thus very efficient and innovative, but also elegant and designer. In fact, these items are state-of-the-art appliances that combine aesthetics, cutting-edge comfort, practicality and energy efficiency. We are talking about refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, sinks and the like, so these are classic appliances, but of higher than average quality, characterized by innovative design and prices... very challenging. In fact, these products include real internal computers, which make them capable of operating even through remote controls and autonomously, just as happens in domotic homes or, similarly, in smart homes, which we present in a dedicated article.Starting with luxury built-in appliances, it is inevitable to begin with ovens, for which convection models, such as those in the Wolf Dual Fuel Pro range, are recommended. Staying in the area of ovens, but moving on to luxury small appliances, these include convection microwave ovens, while cooktops in a luxury kitchen will need to have at least six burners, usually induction. Moving on to the area of refrigeration, the refrigerator can be a true luxury appliance if you opt for exclusive and expensive models such as the Sub-Zero refrigerator and freezer with panels, also produced by the Wolf brand. Another luxury built-in appliance is the dishwasher, such as the high-end ones produced by Asko, Bosch and Miele, if you opt for the paneled one, or made by Fisher Paykel, in the case of the drawer dishwashers.
All about the best luxury hi-tech gadgets
In addition to luxury computers and high-end home appliances, there is also a whole world related to luxury hi-tech gadgets. These are perfect items for those who want to furnish their luxury homes with appliances and devices that combine functionality and design, comfort and elegance. The same can be said for televisions, as we highlight in our article regarding the largest and most expensive luxury TVs in the world. But that's not all. In our article dedicated to the most innovative luxury hi-tech gadgets, we focus specifically on this type of exclusive and very expensive products, of which we also want to give you a taste in this content focused on luxury computers. In fact, technological accessories are also increasingly in vogue in luxury homes, especially those dedicated to wellness and personal care. We are mainly talking about mini spas, hot tubs, compact saunas, experience showers, but also home gyms, tennis courts or swimming pools in which to exercise.Personal care in luxury homes, then, also involves relaxation, thus spaces dedicated to meditation, yoga or mindfulness. The latest frontier of luxury home technology items, however, concerns two areas in particular: air quality and immersive spaces. Indeed, air filtration and ventilation devices, as well as ultraviolet cleaning systems designed to improve air quality by removing harmful agents, as well as allergens, are increasingly in demand in luxury homes. Turning instead to immersive environments, these technologies are ideal for those who want to have spaces in their homes where they can take full advantage of the possibilities of digital and virtual reality. We are talking about Oculus rooms, designed to optimize the use of VR viewers, and rooms dedicated entirely to viewing 3D images. Moving from luxury technological objects designed for the home to hi-tech gadgets, we would like to offer you a selection of the best products in this particular category, made by the most famous high-fashion brands in collaboration with leading companies on the world technological scene.
- Headphones MB 01 x Maison Kitsuné by Montblanc - This product is part of the line launched by Montblanc in collaboration with Maison Kitsuné, which includes several luxury items ideal for travel, just like these super high-tech over-ear headphones, based on cutting-edge technologies - such as proximity sensors - and characterized by a unique design, thanks to their leather pads. Starting price: about 710 euros.
- Cit-E backpack by Yves Saint Laurent - This is a nylon backpack designed to better integrate with the latest generation of technological devices, thanks to a collaboration between Yves Saint Laurent and Jacquard by Google, in order to offer maximum convenience, while maintaining a comfortable size for any movement. Starting price: about 850 euros.
- Ledger Nano X by Fendi - We move to Italy, precisely to the house of Fendi, for a super technological luxury gadget related to the world of cryptocurrencies and the metaverse - a topic we discuss in a dedicated article -, that is, of a designer digital token wallet, made in two versions by Silvia Venturini Fendi, who designed a miniature version of two of the brand's most famous and appreciated bags. Starting price: about 1.800 euros.
- Speaker Horizon Light Up by Louis Vuitton - Turning instead to Louis Vuitton, here is another luxury hi-tech gadget designed for music listening, namely the Horizon Light Up speaker, created as a tribute to the lines of the famous shoulder bag designed by Frenchman Nicolas Ghesquière and designed above all to offer top-notch technical specifications, such as a three-inch subwoofer, three built-in microphones and Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity, although its weight is not exactly comfortable, since it stands at just under a kilo. Starting price: about 2.450 euros.
- Xbox by Gucci - Finally, speaking of luxury hi-tech gadgets, it is impossible not to mention this device made by a leading Italian luxury brand, namely Gucci, in collaboration with the leading technology company, Sony: this is a video game console, precisely a limited-edition Xbox Series X, that is, 100 numbered sets comprising a console covered in Gucci's classic GG motif and a pair of wireless controllers decorated with Gucci's red and blue Web ribbon, all inside a hard case reminiscent of Gucci's archival suitcases. Starting price: about 7.000 euros.
2022-11-16 16:04:32
Discovering the best rare collectibles and their value
Collecting rare or vintage items is certainly one of the most fascinating aspects within the luxury goods market, as it involves true connoisseurs and almost unique items. Moreover, the right collectibles can also contribute to the elegance of the decor of a luxury home, but can also represent a real investment: let's discover the best and rarest collectibles.
- All about the rarest and most exclusive collectibles
- Discovering the best vintage collectibles
- The best luxury items for the home
All about the rarest and most exclusive collectibles
Collectibles world is closely related to the world of luxury for at least two reasons. The first is, quite simply, related to the fact that the rarest collectibles have a very high price, so they can be included among luxury items. The other is instead related to the fact that collecting requires a certain taste and style in the choice of the most exclusive objects, as well as representing an element that can also contribute to the elegance of the decor of a luxury home, but can also represent a real investment. Yes, because, especially in recent years, rare collectibles are one of the fastest growing areas of investment with truly huge profit margins. Based on a study conducted this summer by consulting giant Deloitte in collaboration with Swiss bank Credit Suisse, it is possible to identify how rare collectibles turn out to be, in fact, truly valuable investments, especially in today's unstable macroeconomic environment. Rare collectibles have also been protagonists in Italy, as, in 2021 alone, more than 230.000 bids were submitted on platforms dedicated to buying and selling collectibles in the Belpaese alone, while Italian sellers numbered as many as 50.000, for a total of more than 600.000 auctioned items and a total value of more than 100 million euros. And even in 2022, so far, the trend has remained one of steady growth. But let's find out what are currently the best and rarest collectibles.- Macallan Whisky Edition No. 1 - This brand, as we note in an article dedicated to the world's most expensive whiskies, is among the best in the world and, in particular, this bottle has gone from a price of 90 euros in 2017 to 4.100 in 2022, for a total increase of 4.455%.
- Diego Maradona soccer t-shirt - The former Napoli player's game t-shirt has increased its value 1.861% over the past 5 years, with a surge after the champion's death in 2020, to about 10.000 euros today.
- Saddle Bag by Christian Dior - A bag designed in 1999 that has become a haute couture classic, but whose value has soared in recent years, rising from about 70 euros (2017) to nearly 1.000 euros (2022).
- Asterix comic book T2 "The Golden Serpent" - Turning to comic books, and therefore to the world of vintage - which we will explore later -, this issue was worth about 800 euros in 2018, while it touched 5.000 euros in 2020, being a truly rare item.
- Olympus Mju II Zoom 80 Camera - We remain in the context of rare vintage collectibles with this analog camera that is now worth about 270 euros, while 5 years ago it sold for 25 euros.
- Panini Women's World Cup Soccer 2011 Album Panini - The price of this collectible album is now over 2.000 euros, while it cost less than 300 euros only three years ago, and its value is related to its rarity, since the print run at the time of its launch was very low.
- Burgundy wine 2015 Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru - In the article dedicated to the best Italian collectible wines, we did not include this very rare bottle, since it comes from France, but it is still an absolutely valuable collectible wine and it is sold for about 660 euros, because of its rarity and also because of the vintage, since the 2015 vintage in Burgundy was one of the best in the last decade.
- Lego Cafe Corner 10182 set - This construction set went from a value of about 600 euros to an evaluation of 2.700 euros in just two years (2018-2020), as it is a very rare first edition and sought after by collectors.
- Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 14800ST watch - This model is not among the most expensive luxury watches in the world, but it still went from a value of 4.100 euros (2018) to an evaluation of 14.500 after only 3 years.
Alla scoperta dei migliori oggetti vintage da collezione
Speaking of rare collectibles, it is also impossible not to mention all those vintage items that represent real investments for collectors looking for them and definite sources of income for those who own them and want to sell them. Let's find out the best vintage collectibles.- Vintage vinyls - The rarest vintage vinyls can reach truly incredible valuations, such as David Bowie's "Diamond Dogs" album (1974), which sold for about 3.500 euros, or even the Beatles' "White Album," valued at about 840.000 euros.
- Vintage video games - Some collectible video games are very rare and sought after by collectors, such as those for the original Nintendo (Super Mario RPG, Mega Max X3, Harvest Moon, Chrono Trigger, Little Samson, etc.), valued at about 1,000 euros each, or even the game Gamma Attack, which can be worth as much as 50.000 euros.
- Vintage comic books - As we saw just now, even the rarest vintage comic books are very high value collectibles, even reaching values of more than a million euros in very rare cases, such as that of the first ever Marvel comic book.
- First edition Books - Vintage collectibles also include rare first edition books, valued at even more than 10.000 euros each.
- Vintage jewelry - Vintage jewelry has really high prices, such as, for example, the most expensive rings in the world.
- Vintage musical instruments - This is a very particular niche, but musical instruments can also be rare collector's items, such as the most fashionable guitars of the 1960s or those owned by some famous artist, also ideal as luxury furniture items in the right context.
- Vintage perfume bottles - Luxury perfumes are valuable items in their own right, but bottles from the early 1900s are rare collector's items, going as high as more than 1.000 euros.
- Vintage postcards - Finally, postcards from the past are also beloved by collectors of rare items, who, depending on their condition and date of printing, are willing to pay even four-figure sums.
The best luxury items for the home
Finally, it is also appropriate to focus on luxury items that, although not collectible, are ideal for furnishing an elegant home. In this sense, it is a must to choose luxury items that will enhance it and convey a sense of exclusivity and attention to detail. Therefore, we have selectedThe best luxury items for the home and the leading brands for this niche market. Regardless of the style of decor chosen for the home (a topic we explore in a dedicated article), these items are a guarantee for those who want to make their home environments luxurious and classy. A classic accessory that combines comfort and elegance are sofa cushions, in different patterns and colors, made by various high-fashion brands, such as Roberto Cavalli or Fendi. Another category of luxury items ideal for decorating the home is chandeliers, especially for the living room or other rooms in the house designed to welcome guests.An example is the luxurious Technology Foglia Oro chandelier from the company Cavicchi, but one cannot fail to mention also the Armani Casa Lamp, modern and classy at the same time. Staying in the living room, armchairs are also an ideal piece of furniture to make a luxurious environment. From the "Edward" armchairs by Armani, to the refined fabrics by Christian Fischbacher or Rudi. From armchairs to decorated vases, in which even high-fashion brands such as Gucci have tried their hand, as well as Italian leaders in the field, Fornace Mian and NasonMoretti. Turning then to the kitchen, the best luxury items for this room of the house are certainly the cutlery sets, especially if they are the silver "Elsa Peretti" ones by Tiffany, but also the decorative candles or wine decanters, such as the one made of crystal by the fashion brand Ralph Lauren.
2022-11-14 10:05:36
All about the most valuable and expensive grappas in the world
Grappa is a typical Italian distilled spirit, but loved all over the world, partly because it is made from the pomace of the best Italian grape varieties by companies that are famous and appreciated all over the world: let's find out the names and vintages of the world's most prized and expensive grappas.
- The best luxury Italian grappas
- All about the most expensive Italian grappas
- The ranking of the world's most expensive whiskies
The best luxury Italian grappas
In our journey through Italian excellence, we could not miss an article dedicated to the best luxury grappas. In fact, this distillate is a typical Italian product and is also an ideal item to give as a gift to grappa lovers, as there are gift and limited edition bottles of grappa. The latter include some really luxury grappa, due to its cost, and also the most expensive Italian grappa - which we will find out in a moment. In the meantime, let's start by clarifying that grappa is a distillate made from the pomace, that is, the skins of grapes, after they have already been pressed to make wine. Moreover, grappa is an exclusively Italian product, by virtue of a European decree that stipulated that grappa can only be made from grapes grown, vinified and distilled only in Italy - similar to what happens with French champagne. There are also different types of grappa, depending on the source grapes used, but the most important distinction is the one that identifies some grappas as barricade. Barricaded grappa, in fact, is a grappa that has spent at least half of the minimum aging period inside a barrique - that is a small wooden barrel for aging wines with some well-defined technical specifications - , therefore for a duration that varies according to whether it is an old grappa (at least 12 months of aging) or a reserve grappa (at least 18 months). At this point, we can move on to introduce you to some of the best Italian grappas, which are also ideal for those who would like to choose which grappa to give as a gift or simply treat themselves to one of these luxury spirits.- Grappa Mazzetti d'Altavilla Annate Memorabili Nebbiolo da Barolo 1989 - This grappa, aged 10 years in oak barrels, is made from an excellent vintage of Nebbiolo da Barolo and is rich, with hints of licorice, vanilla, peach, violet and spice.
- Grappa Elisi Distillerie Berta - This grappa has a full and enveloping flavor, is very fragrant and leaves a hint of cocoa and morello cherry, presenting an amber color that is also pleasing to the eyes.
- Grappa Mazzetti d’Altavilla Annate Memorabili Barbera Invecchiata 2001 - This barricaded grappa is dry, with an intense and strong aroma, hints of tobacco, spices and jam.
- Grappa di Barbera d’Asti Solchi Distillerie Carlo Bocchino - This distillate is made from Barbera grapes, aged for 10 years, and has an underbrush scent, a clear amber color, and a smooth, harmonious flavor, making it one of the best Italian grappas.
- Grappa Sarpa Barrique Distillerie Poli - This grappa is aged 4 years in French oak barrels, after being made from Merlot (60%) and Cabernet (40%) pomace, which give it a complex and enveloping flavor, as well as a fragrance of exotic fruit, cedar, licorice, and vanilla.
- Grappa Cru Monovitigno Verduzzo Distillerie Nonino - Finally, among the best Italian grappas is this distillate made from selected pomace of Verduzzo Cru grapes from Friuli, and produced in a limited edition, vintage and numbered, before being bottled in blown and handmade cruets, resulting in a truly perfect gift grappa.
All about the most expensive Italian grappas
In addition to the best and most valuable Italian grappas, we also want to introduce you to the most expensive ones on the market, right up to the most expensive Italian grappa in the world. These grappas are, of course, ideal to give as gifts, but also to collect or keep in your home to best welcome your guests. Let's find out together which are the most expensive Italian grappas on the market and their characteristics.- Grappa di Amarone Cleopatra Oro (about 40 euros) - This grappa is produced with an innovative vacuum bain-marie still and sold in a version with a boxed gift box, perfect to give as a gift... even at a not excessive cost.
- Grappa di Barbera d'Asti Distillerie Solchi (about 80 euros) - This grappa is also ideal for a gift, as it is sold in a very elegant bottle crafted inside a natural wood box.
- Grappa "Anniversary 50°" Distillerie Segnana (about 100 euros) - A fine and well-structured distillate, with class and great persistence, contained in a natural wood gift box.
- Grappa 21 years Distillerie Gino Barile (about 150 euros) - We go up in price, but also in quality, as this grappa has been aged 21 years, turning into a distillate with a unique and articulate flavor.
- Grappa Riserva del Capo 2003 Distillerie Capovilla (about 160 euros) - This grappa is sweet and fruity, with a slightly spicy and complex flavor, thanks in part to its aging.
- Riserva del Fondatore Paolo Berta Distillerie Berta (about 200 euros) - This is one of the best Italian grappas, made from Piedmontese pomace and then aged for 20 years in woods of different essences.
- Grappa 30 years and 33 years Distillerie Gino Barile (about 340 and about 570 euros, respectively) - We finally arrived at the most expensive Italian grappa in the world, namely this distillate in the two versions aged 30 and 33 years, both with a unique flavor and characterized by deep notes of fine wood, encaustic, cloves, heady flowers and salt. A true luxury grappa.
The ranking of the world's most expensive whiskies
Grappa is not the only beverage we focused on in our journey to discover luxury spirits. In our article dedicated to the world of whiskey, in fact, we talked about the characteristics of this distillate, which can be a fundamental element within a cocktail - just like the gin that we present in another article - but is also the smooth-drinking distillate par excellence. Actually, we also dedicated an article to the most expensive champagne and one to the best Italian collectible wines, which, although they do not fall under spirits, are definitely luxury drinks. In this focus related to the best grappas, we want to present the list of the most expensive whiskies, which, given their value and price, are also the best whiskies to invest in, since they are distillates aged for decades and contained in bottles of great value. The price of some of these whiskies is close to luxury products’ one such as the world's best sports cars - which we present in another article. The reason for the value of these whiskies is their scarcity - in the case of limited edition bottles - or even rarity - in the case of some almost unique whiskies. For this ranking, we relied on estimates published by the well-known New Zealand portal Wine-Searcher, which deals with these kinds of rankings related to alcoholic beverages. In particular, this ranking refers to Single Malt whiskies - namely the most popular and traditional ones. We just have to find out the ranking of the world's most expensive whiskies.-
1. The Yamazaki (55 years old) - approximately 882.000 euros
2. The Macallan Lalique (50 years old) - approximately 272.000 euros
3. The Macallan Lalique (62 years old) - approximately 165.000 euros
4. The Macallan Lalique (55 years old) - about 157.000 euros
5. Bowmore Aston Martin Black Bowmore DB5 - about 139.000 euros
6. The Macallan Red Collection (78 years old) - about 132.000 euros
7. The Macallan Lalique (72 years old) - about 131.000 euros
8. The Macallan (50 years old) - about 129.000 euros
9. The Macallan Lalique VI (65 years old) - about 129.000 euros
10. Gordon & MacPhail Generations Glenlivet (80 years old) - about 111.000 euros
2022-11-11 09:58:02
Discovering luxury bracelets: the best men's and women's models
The most exclusive luxury bracelets, for both men and women, are an elegant and classy accessory, easy to wear and increasingly back in fashion in recent years. That's why luxury bracelets, as well as luxury watches, are among the favorite choices of high-end accessory lovers: let's discover the best men's and women's models.
- The most exclusive women's luxury bracelets
- The best luxury bracelets for men
- The best luxury watch brands
The most exclusive women's luxury bracelets
For those who love style and class in clothing, it is often the accessories that make the difference. As we write in a dedicated article, accessories are a key element in conveying the taste and sophistication of the wearer, both in the world of women's and men's clothing. This applies to the most exclusive rings in the world, the most expensive perfumes on the market, and, of course, also to luxury bracelets, which we want to talk about in this article. Starting with luxury bracelets designed for womens, the first model to be mentioned is certainly the so-called tennis bracelet, which is a flexible bracelet formed by a row of brilliant-cut white diamonds. This type of bracelet owes its name to tennis player Chris Evert who, in a 1987 U.S. Open match, lost her lucky charm during an action and asked for the match to be interrupted in order to find her tennis bracelet. Two of the best brands to choose to buy a tennis bracelet are certainly Swarovski and Amina Muaddi, not forgetting of course Cartier and Tiffany. These two famous luxury bracelet brands are also ideal for buying a rigid bracelet with unmistakable designs, such as the twisted nail (Juste un Clou by Cartier), the "wrist panther" (Panthère by Cartier) and the bone that becomes a cuff (Bone by Tiffany & Co.).As we also write in an article focused on the best luxury tech jewelry, there are also hi-tech bracelets designed specifically for womens. One of them is WiseWear Calder, a smart bracelet designed to ensure maximum safety for the wearer, since it is able not only to monitor the daily physical activity daily and the progress achieved, but is also designed to immediately reach contacts in its memory with three taps in case of emergency or danger via bluetooth connection with smartphone, from which it is also possible to receive all kinds of notifications. WiseWear Calder is also water resistant, has an average battery life of 72 hours on a full charge, can be found in rose gold, gold and palladium colors, and costs about 300 euros. Another luxury tech bracelet is Leaf Nature Silver, which is used to monitor various biometric functions, including sleep, stress level, menstrual cycle, but also physical activity, without needing to be charged, thanks to its replaceable battery that lasts up to 6 months. Leaf Nature Silver costs about 90 euros and is available in rose gold, silver, gray or black.
The best luxury bracelets for men
The time has come to turn to men's luxury bracelets, increasingly popular accessories that are ideal for those who want to highlight their style. From classic and chain-like to rigid and innovative, there are several brands that are a guarantee when it comes to bracelets. One of these is Alexander McQueen, which has always been a leading player in respect to rock-mood-inspired jewelry, with double-turn leather bracelets decorated with gold charms. The best brands of luxury bracelets certainly include Versace, with its classy and richly detailed designs, Tiffany, whose bracelets are prized above all for their elegance, such as exclusive models in silver with curved or oval links, as well as rigid ones in stainless steel and titanium. True luxury, however, is achieved by the men's bracelets produced by Cartier, particularly those in the Trinity line, which integrate white, yellow and rose gold, as in the Juste un Clou model, formed by a classy but minimalist 18-karat white gold frame.The haute couture fashion house Hermès also offers an excellent choice in luxury bracelets for men, made in silver, while Salvini even proposes some models in gold and diamonds. Remaining in Italy, Morellato is another top brand when it comes to bracelets, especially with the Ceramic collection, with its fine materials (steel, rose gold, and ceramic). Moving on to other brands also famous for wristwatches - which we will present in a few lines - the stainless steel bracelets from Sector, such as the SLI59 model, with a very creative and elegant design, as well as the models designed by Breil, are also interesting. Finally, to close this part dedicated to luxury bracelets for men, we also want to mention those made by Brosway, composed of the highest quality materials, such as stainless steel, silver and rose gold.
The best luxury watch brands
Watch have always been a cult object for those who want to express their taste in clothing, since the luxury watch, whether for men or women, succeeds in expressing the wearer's style and denotes elegance. High-end watches are characterized by the use of precious materials, especially any valuable parts such as stones (rare diamonds, rubies, emeralds, etc.) or precious metals (gold, platinum, etc.) and perfect mechanics. All these peculiarities concur in making a watch a luxury item and, in some cases, a real valuable piece, as is also the case with some luxury smartwatches. The first brand to be mentioned among the best luxury watch brands is Rolex, the most famous company in the industry in the world, known as a guarantee of quality, recognizability and reliability. Suffice it to mention the men's model in the top 10 most expensive watches in the world, the 1942 Rolex Antimagnetique Ref 4113 (2,4 million euros), a vintage model that echoes its 1942 predecessor, made in a limited edition of only 12 pieces. But Rolex is also a leader in women's luxury watches, as evidenced by the Datejust 31 (41.150 euros), with its diamond-set bezel, yellow gold case, and green malachite dial. Then we move on to Hublot, a brand characterized by the care taken in making its watches and the wide range of models, thanks in part to important partnerships such as the one with Ferrari.Hublot is also the manufacturer of the Big Bang, a model whose estimated value is 5 million euros, being covered with the most precious diamonds, weighing more than 100 carats. Richard Mille is also a brand among those producing the most luxurious models on the market, often exceeding 8.000 euros for the most valuable pieces, such as those chosen by actress Natalie Portman or tennis great Rafael Nadal, whose dedicated model costs as much as 635.000 euros. In this list of the best brands of luxury watches, it is impossible not to mention Omega, famous for the luxury materials used and the quality of its products, which cost from 7.000 euros up to about 2 million euros, as well as for being chosen by several entertainment stars, including George Clooney and Nicole Kidman. An obligatory mention must also go to Cartier, a brand that has always been attentive to both men's and women's models, as evidenced by the fact that it was chosen by the former U.S. First Lady, Michelle Obama, and also thanks to models such as the Panthère de Cartier (12.200 euros), with its screw-enclosed bezel and the ornament of diamonds on the bezel. But the most expensive models and the best brands of luxury watches do not end here, and if you are interested in learning more about them, we suggest reading this dedicated article.
2022-11-09 16:57:08
Prices and quality of the world's most refined and expensive oysters
Oysters are a food that not everyone can appreciate, due to their very particular flavor and the fact that they should be enjoyed raw, but certainly among the foods that most represent luxury and class: let's find out what the most expensive oysters are and how much they cost, what makes them so unique, and what other luxury foods are the most expensive in the world.
- All about oysters: types and varieties
- Price and quality of the world's most expensive oysters
- The world's other most expensive foods
All about oysters: types and varieties
Oysters have always been considered a classy and glamorous food. Not for nothing, they are often associated with champagne - which we discuss specifically in a dedicated article. Even in the most expensive restaurants in the world, in fact, especially those specializing in seafood cuisine, oysters can never be missing among the appetizers or within a seafood crudo. Of course, there are also other much more expensive foods in the world, as we point out in another article, but this time we want to talk about the aphrodisiac food par excellence: oysters. We begin by specifying that there are even more than 200 types of oysters, but we will limit ourselves to presenting the most popular and most expensive ones worldwide and in Italy. First of all, it is possible to make a general distinction of the various types of oysters based on a fairly simple quality: their shape. Thanks to the latter, two types of oysters can be identified: concave ones - the most common and easy to farm - and flat oysters - rarer and more valuable. Generally speaking, farmed oysters are grown for about four years with a refining method that is generally divided into two phases: the firt in the open sea, where the oysters acquire their very saline taste, and the second in refining ponds, also called claires, and usually formed by fresh or mixed water, to give a sweeter and more delicate tone to the oysters themselves. This lengthy and demanding process already partly justifies the high cost of these luxury mollusks.Turning to the more specific types of oysters on the market, it can be said that the oyster-producing nation par excellence is France - not coincidentally, also the home of champagne - followed by Italy. Starting with the French oysters, these are also divided into two major types according to their shape, namely: the platy (round and with a maximum diameter of 10 cm, with an intense but delicate taste) and the concave (elongated and concave, with a saline taste and a strong flavor). Based on other characteristics, related to the water used during farming, the timing of maturation and geographical origin, French oysters are divided into other subcategories: the bélon and marenne (among the flat ones), the fines, spéciales and pousse (among the concave oysters). Turning to Italian oysters, however, one quality of them is that they are fleshier than French oysters, but they are always divided into two major types, the bélon (flat) and the creuse (concave). In particular, the most renowned oysters among those produced in Italy are those of San Michele (Gargano Park, Apulia), those of San Teodoro (San Teodoro lagoon, Sardinia) and the pink oyster of Scardovari (between the Po River and the Adriatic Sea, Veneto). Finally, it is also worth mentioning the Irish oysters, which are considered very valuable, especially the concave Crassostrea Gigas (the most common), but also the flat ones, called Ostrea Edulis, and especially the Ostra Regal type, considered the best ever. Thanks to the Atlantic Ocean currents, Irish oysters have a very salty taste with slight citrus notes.
Price and quality of the world's most expensive oysters
After this general introduction on the types and qualities of the most valuable oysters, we can move on to the most expensive and valuable type of oysters ever, of the level of those that fall in the ranking of the most expensive foods on the planet. These are the Bluff oysters, the name of a small seaside town in New Zealand where these shellfish are found, which are caught only in the summer season, roughly from March to August. These highly evaluated oysters are a luxury food, more for their cost - similar to that of European oysters - than for their rarity, as about ten million pieces are harvested each year, but their fame means that they are sold at lightning speed.So, although Bluff oysters are considered one of the most delicious foods in the world, much of their fortune comes precisely from their rarity. In fact, the only place where they can be traced is the seabed between the town of Bluff and Stewart Island, that is, in waters that are very cold and difficult to navigate. Attempts to raise this very rare type of oyster elsewhere have failed, so it is necessary to travel to New Zealand itself to enjoy them. But what to drink to accompany these very expensive oysters? Certainly one of the world's best French champagnes is a good idea, but one of the world's most expensive whiskies or the most exclusive Italian collectible wines might also be a good choice, although, in the town of Bluff, it will certainly not be easy to find one of these luxury drinks.
The world's other most expensive foods
At this point, it is also worth mentioning what are the other most expensive foods in the world, namely foods that require huge expenses to be tasted, but which, due to their unique characteristics and rarity, truly represent a luxury experience. We have already dealt, through two dedicated articles, with the most expensive coffee around and the most expensive caviar on the planet, but here is also a selection of the other most expensive foods in the world.- Alba White Truffle - Let's start from Italy for this food with a unique taste, characterized by spicy and aromatic notes, a smooth and clear appearance, and a yellow, streaked flesh. The white truffle of Alba is also impossible to cultivate, making its price even higher, which has exceeded as much as 100.000 euros per kilo for a truffle specimen of about 1,5 kg.
- Elvish Honey - This is the most expensive honey in the world, partly because it comes from a hive located in Turkey at a depth of 1.800 meters, where the environment and minerals in the cave give the honey an unmistakable taste. The price? About 40.000 euros per kilo.
- Pule Cheese - As much as 25 liters of donkey milk from the Balkans are needed to make one kilo of this cheese, produced in the area of Serbia and Montenegro, as well as long aging times, which brings its price to about 1.300 euros per kilo.
- Yubari King melon - This melon is grown in the small town of Yubari on the island of Hokkaido (Japan) in very limited quantities and with very expensive processing, including daily massages and washes, which cause the price of more than 17.000 euros for just one of these fruits.
- Swallow nests - Used in Chinese culinary tradition, salangane nests (rather than swallows, these are swifts) are found in hidden areas inside caves and are built with by these birds with saliva in about a month, making this food very expensive, up to a maximum of 7.200 euros per kilo.
- Saffron - Very common in Italy and made famous by risotto alla Milanese, saffron is made from the stigma of Crocus sativus, but it takes about 150.000 flowers and 40 hours of labor to obtain one kilo, which can therefore cost from 700 to 8.000 euros per kilo.
- Densuke watermelons - Let's go back to Japan for the most expensive watermelons in the world, specifically to the north of Hokkaido Island, where these black-colored fruits, famous for their balanced sweetness and... for the price of about 580 euros per kilo or even more in the case of particularly large watermelon specimens.
- Matsutake Mushrooms - Let's stay on Japanese soil for these very rare mushrooms, which grow not only in Japan but also in China, Korea, the United States, Canada, Finland and Sweden, although the most expensive variety is the one called "red pine", which grows precisely in Japanese forests only at certain times and can cost as much as 2.000 euros per kilo.
2022-11-07 14:02:28
All about the most exclusive luxury trains in Italy, in Europe and in the world
Travel by historic luxury trains - in Italy, in Europe or in the rest of the world - is a truly exclusive and unparalleled experience for comfort and elegance, but also for the beauty of the landscapes traversed and the historical-cultural value of the proposed itineraries: so let's discover the best worldwide projects in the field of luxury trains.
- The most exclusive luxury trains in Italy and Europe
- The best historic luxury trains in the world
- The Orient Express "La Dolce Vita" project
- The Sicilian Railway Experience: the luxury train in Sicily
The most exclusive luxury trains in Italy and Europe
Historic luxury trains are certainly one of the most exclusive and classy ways of travel ever. In these incredible means of transportation, nothing is left to chance, starting from the interior decoration and design to the food and entertainment services and the comfort of the cabins. In fact, the most exclusive luxury trains traverse both Italy and Europe. Just think of the luxury trains to Paris or even the very famous and impressive Orient Express. But there are also luxury trains in Switzerland and Russia, from which the famous Trans-Siberian Railway departs, a luxury train that is certainly expensive, as we will see below, but not comparable, for example, to the Orient Express "La Dolce Vita", one of the most exclusive luxury trains in Italy. In fact, it is a convoy that, starting in 2023, will offer as many as ten different routes through 14 Italian regions. Another Italian luxury train is the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, which is more of a legend than a mere convoy, as it is based on the luxury train that, between the late 1800s and the 1930s, offered varnished teak wood, steam-heated and gas-lighted carriages, with such attention to detail inside and comfort guaranteed to passengers that it could be considered a true luxury hotel on rails. Passengers on the Simplon-Orient-Express traverse unique European landscapes, inside elegant cabins and exclusive settings, in a timeless atmosphere, experiencing something similar to that of great figures of the past such as Agatha Christie. Moving on to how much a ticket for the Orient Express costs, this particular itinerary is priced at around 2.600 euros per person.But what services does the Orient Express offer its guests? The tickets include the opportunity to dine in the very elegant Dining Cars (Côte d'Azur, Etoile du Nord and L'Oriental), where high-class meals made with ingredients typical of each leg of the itinerary are served, and to sip champagne at the Champagne Bar, where they can entertain themselves with a game of cards, a dance or simply admiring the scenery outside. However, the Simplon-Orient-Express also offers other routes besides the highly romantic Paris-Venice route. In fact, it is also possible to take this luxury train in Italy from Florence to Paris, to immerse yourself in the art world, or to Switzerland, to get from Venice to Geneva, both at a cost of about 2.300 euros per person for a ticket. But luxury trains in Italy and Europe do not end there. There are also other travel options, made available by Belmond, a leader in luxury accommodations and one of the best options even when deciding how to book the Orient Express. For example, it is possible to discover the Scottish Highlands by having a unique experience inside luxury convoys, perhaps starting right from an Italian luxury hotel such as the Belmond Villa San Michele, housed in a former Florentine monastery, or even the Belmond Castello di Casole, nestled in the heart of the Tuscan countryside. In fact, these luxury train travel options through Italy and Europe include the possibility of staying in timeless, culturally rich accommodations with the most elegant settings and interiors featuring beautiful fabrics, polished wood paneling, and extra-luxury bedrooms typical of the best luxury hotels in Italy and around the world.
The best historic luxury trains in the world
Stepping momentarily out of the European context and expanding to the global one, there are also other options for organizing a trip on a luxury historic train. In fact, this choice is becoming increasingly fashionable worldwide, so much so that it has given rise to several tourism projects centered on these incredible means of transportation. The first luxury historical train to be mentioned is definitely the Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express, also known as the "Trans-Siberian Railway" which is the longest railway line in the world with 9.288 kilometers. Passengers on this train travel through unique places, starting in western Russia and going all the way to the Far East, passing through Mongolia, the Gobi Desert and Beijing, via what was once the famous "Silk Road".What is the cost of the Trans-Siberian Railway ticket? A one-way trip in first class on this luxury train costs about 800 euros per person, so significantly less than the luxury convoys that crisscross Europe. But what is the most luxurious train in the world? Well, it is probably the Maharajas Express. Again in Asia, in fact, it is possible to travel on one of the world's first luxury trains in terms of passenger amenities and services. Suffice it to say that each carriage includes a butler and is decorated with garlands of flowers, as well as offering several travel options, such as the "Heritage of India" itinerary from Mumbai to Delhi. Staying in the Far East, one cannot fail to mention the luxury trains of the Eastern & Oriental Express that travel through Thailand and offer train sets that echo those of the movie "Shanghai Express", with cherrywood parts and silk trim.
The Orient Express "La Dolce Vita" project
Turning our focus back to the Orient Express, it's time to talk about the "La Dolce Vita" project, which has returned to make travelers around the world dream and is about to arrive in Italy as well - and which we present in a dedicated article. Starting in 2023, in fact, it will be possible to board one of the wagons of the project born from an agreement between the French group Accor (which has owned the "Orient Express" brand since 2017), Trenitalia and Arsenale S.p.A. (a company operating in luxury hospitality) and aimed at lovers of luxury on rails. This exclusive convoy is inspired by the years and design of La Dolce Vita, offering different itineraries (ten are currently planned) through 14 regions of the Bel Paese, with Rome as the heart and central stop of the route. In the luxury train par excellence, nothing can be left to chance, especially the interiors made to accommodate the few passengers who will be able to afford this exclusive journey.The Orient Express "La Dolce Vita" is thus a luxury train unique in the world in terms of elegance, interior style and comfort offered. But that's not all: let's also find out which route the Orient Express "La Dolce Vita" will take, as the itineraries of this train are also truly unique and exclusive. Regarding Sicily in particular, the Orient Express "La Dolce Vita" includes three different convoys: one in the West of the region, from Palermo to Trapani, one dedicated to Baroque Sicily and one that will go from West to East this, following a food and wine itinerary. The Orient Express "La Dolce Vita" therefore also promises to be an exclusive and unforgettable experience, a slow luxury journey that is also sustainable, as it also includes a series of ecological interventions aimed at ensuring the sustainability of its own railway line.
The Sicilian Railway Experience: the luxury train in Sicily
To close this article dedicated to luxury historical trains, it is worth mentioning the Sicilian Railway Experience project, which we elaborate on in another dedicated article, conceived by the Rocco Forte Hotels group in collaboration with the Ferrovie dello Stato Foundation. The two partners have in fact launched the itinerary of a luxury historic train aimed at companies, designed for corporate meetings or presentations, team-building events and similar activities, in order to promote the historic train as an elegant and comfortable option for luxury tourism, especially from a slow perspective.In fact, the Sicilian Railway Experience includes an itinerary from Palermo to Agrigento, offering the exclusive opportunity to enjoy the panorama of the Valley of the Temples on board a century-old train during the journey. The trip lasts about two hours and is available for companies, to which it offers a customizable service, including a local tour guide, a top barman and various options on interior management. The Sicilian Railway Experience project is therefore a great opportunity to enhance the unique beauty of a region such as Sicily, thanks to the combination of culture and food and wine, but also the attention to the issues of sustainability and respect for the environment. New and additional itineraries on historic luxury trains are already planned in Sicily, under the banner of slow tourism.
2022-11-04 14:58:13
Ranking and prices of the most expensive champagnes in the world
Champagne is certainly the luxury drink par excellence, but there are some specific bottles that are so rare as to be true collector's items, as is also the case with some of the most prized Italian wines: let's discover the ranking of the best champagnes and the most expensive ones in the world.
- All you need to know about the best “Italian” champagnes
- Ranking and cost of the world's most expensive champagnes
- The most valuable Italian collectible wines
All you need to know about the best “Italian” champagnes
How do you measure the quality of a beverage? For the uninitiated, one of the easiest metrics to use is price, since the latter tends to reflect the value of the bottle you want to buy. If this is true of both the world's most expensive whiskies and the most exclusive gins on the planet, it will come as no surprise that the same rule can apply to the best champagnes. In particular, before turning to the ranking and prices of the most expensive champagnes in the world, we want to start with some Italian excellence. First of all, it is worth clarifying that, properly (and legally) speaking, there are no Italian champagnes. In fact, champagne is a beverage with a French appellation of origin protected by law, so the expression "Italian champagne" refers to the sparkling wine obtained from the Italian wines, according to a procedure as close as possible to that followed in France. The best known example is Franciacorta sparkling wines, now recognized worldwide as excellent Italian products, falling in the same category - in terms of taste, characteristics and use - as French champagne.Focusing just on Franciacorta, this sparkling wine is among the best Italian sparkling wines that use the classic method, being a DOCG (recognized in 1995) produced on an area of about 2.900 hectares in the province of Brescia (Lombardy) starting mainly from Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, but also from other grape varieties such as Pinot Blanc and Erbamat, with a minimum aging period of 18 months, rising to 30 for the vintage version and 60 months for the riserva version. One of the most interesting bottles of Franciacorta is the 2011 Cuvée Annamaria Clementi (Ca' del Bosco), dense and full-bodied, with fruity-floral aromatic returns. It is fermented in oak barrels and then re-fermented in the bottle using the classic method, before aging 8 years and 5 months on the lees. It is one of the best Italian classic method sparkling wines, and the price for a bottle is about 100 euros. Another luxury Franciacorta among the most expensive is the Brut 'Cabochon' 2014 (Monte Rossa), fragrant and with good persistence. This sparkling wine ages 54 months on the lees, offering a very pleasant iodine flavor and uncommon persistence. Again, the cost of a bottle is about 100 euros.
Ranking and cost of the world's most expensive champagnes
The time has come to move on to the real champagnes, namely those produced in France. In particular, we have gathered the ranking and prices of the world's most expensive champagnes, real luxury drinks, comparable to some of the most expensive foods on the planet. Let's find out what the ten most expensive champagnes in the world are and where they are produced, as well as their prices and main characteristics.-
10. Pol Roger Sir Winston Churchill (about 1.100 euros per bottle) - This champagne owes its name to Winston Churchill, the most famous of its admirers, and is produced in about 120.000 cases per year.
9. Veuve Clicquot Yellowboam Ostrich Limited (about 1.450 euros per bottle) - It is produced in only 3.200 pieces and in a limited edition, with an ostrich skin label and 22.4-carat gold details.
8. Boerl & Kroff Brut Rosé (about 1.600 euros per bottle) - This champagne, created in 1995 and made from Pinot Meunier and Pinot Noir, is also sold in a premium version with a wooden case, priced at more than 3.000 euros.
7. Perrier Jouët Belle Epoque Magnum 1985 (about 3.000 euros per bottle) - Made exclusively from grapes from Boutons-Leroy and Boutons du Midi, fewer than 3.000 cases were made.
6. Moët et Chandon Dom Pérignon Charles & Diana 1961 (about 3.600 euros per bottle) - Let's move on to one of the world's best-known champagne wineries, namely Moët et Chandon, which produced the bottles for Prince Charles' wedding to Princess Diana, and then released the 75 cl bottles of champagne from 1961 (Diana's birth year) to commemorate the event.
5. Krug Clos d'Ambonnay 1998 (about 3.600 euros per bottle) -This champagne, produced from a small vineyard in the Grand Cru village of the Montagne de Reims, is aged for 15 years and was produced in only 250 cases, making it a true collector's item.
4. Armand De Brignac Brut Gold, Ace of Spades (about 5.900 euros per bottle) - A cuvée made through the blending of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier.
3. Dom Pérignon Rosé by David Lynch (about 10.000 euros per bottle) - On the third step of the podium we find again the producer Moët et Chandon, with these 10 limited-edition bottles born from the collaboration with the famous director David Lynch.
2. Dom Pérignon Rosé Gold Mathusalem (about 42.000 euros per bottle) - There are only 35 bottles of this champagne, a rosé sparkling wine with a strong and intense flavor and a gold-plated label.
1. Gout de Diamants (about 1,5 million euros per bottle) - The world's most expensive champagne is signed by luxury designer Alexander Amosu, who designed the most expensive bottle on the planet, thanks to its solid white gold five-pronged plaque with a 19-carat diamond and label engraved on the precious metal. Inside this very expensive bottle is a champagne that represents a perfect marriage between the intensity of Chardonnay grapes and the more pronounced notes of two other varietals, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier.
The most valuable Italian collectible wines
Italian wines are a world-recognized excellence, so it is always difficult to identify which are the best or most valuable ones. From Tuscany to Veneto, from Sicily to Piedmont and Friuli Venezia Giulia, all Italian regions are a guarantee of the highest quality wines, especially reds. In a dedicated article we present the most valuable Italian collectible wines, so, in this context related to champagne, we want to offer you a small selection of truly unique bottles. Starting from the Veneto region, in fact, Amarone della Valpolicella, one of the most beloved red wines in Italy and the world, is produced here. In particular, Giuseppe Quintarelli's Classico Riserva DOCG, with its garnet-red color and aroma of bitter almonds and cherry aftertaste, is one of the most expensive, reaching about 600 euros per bottle. Moving on to Friuli Venezia Giulia, we find the Calvari wine from the Miani winery, which can fetch up to 400 euros, while Piedmont is the region where Giacomo Conterno's Barolo DOCG Monfortino, made in the Serralunga d'Alba area and aged for seven years before being sold, is produced, fetching close to 500 euros.Moving down to Tuscany, the first red wine to mention is the Brunello di Montalcino Biondi Santi, similar in type to the Case Basse di Montalcino, both elegant and full-bodied wines, selling for around 450 euros a bottle. Finally, to close this selection of the best Italian wines, we want to mention one of the most expensive ever: Masseto Toscana IGT, characterized by the fruity aroma of blueberries, blackberries and berries, as well as hints of vanilla, cocoa, spices, black truffle, tobacco and dark chocolate. The price of this wine can be as high as 1.300 euros. In general, data from recent years regarding fine Italian wines, and especially collectible wines, indicate an upward trend with respect to the prices of the most expensive bottles of wines produced in Italy, with those from Piedmont first in terms of consumer liking, followed by those produced in Tuscany. If you would like to explore this topic in more detail, however, we suggest reading our article specifically dedicated to the subject.
2022-11-03 17:08:31
Blockchain and luxury: the new connection of the virtual world
The luxury market is increasingly linked with the latest technological frontiers, just like blockchain, whose use is spreading among high-fashion brands within the virtual world. Let’s discover what blockchain is and how it works, as well as the latest luxury trends in the metaverse, from the real estate to the fashion market.
- What blockchain is and how it works
- Discovering the relation between blockchain and luxury
- All about luxury in the metaverse: from real estate to fashion
What blockchain is and how it works
It is certainly not easy to explain in detail what blockchain is and how it works without delving into computer technicalities, which are not very appropriate for the context. However, it is possible to explain what blockchain is and how it works on a more general level, aimed at understanding how this technology is linked with the world of luxury, as highlighted by the expression “blockchain luxury”. Blockchain - as recalled by the word itself - is a technology that allows for the creation of time chains of blocks, namely specific data structures that have the peculiarity of being unique and authentic, as they are absolutely unchangeable. Blockchains, then, are chains that make it possible to generate digital certifications of authenticity and thus enable transactions - in the form of data exchange - and tracking that guarantee uniqueness and originality of works of art, luxury products, video games and high-fashion items. The authenticity of such digital content is certified by the now well-known NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens), which are actual certificates of digital authenticity that identify intangible virtual content.Going into luxury products, blockchain therefore also enables the creation of a kind of "digital passport" for items, which offers users a secure and verified means of verifying the entire history of the product they own, starting with the raw materials and ending with the purchase process, as well as other information on the date of production, serial number, all materials involved and their provenance. This digital passport for luxury products has not yet definitely come into use, partly because of some critical issues related to its use, such as excessive information sharing-the "dark" side of transparency. But some hypotheses for a solution already exist, such as the possibility for brands to decide which information to give access to or not, perhaps hiding some internal negative information (sales declines or company "secrets" related to the making of certain products). In short, the most famous brands in the high-end market are gearing up, so the full-fledged entry of blockchain into the world of luxury is only a matter of time.
Discovering the relation between blockchain and luxury
But the relation between blockchain and luxury has already begun, as evidenced by the very special partnership - which could be called “blockchain fashion” - formed in early spring 2021 by three of the biggest competing groups in the fashion market - LVMH, Prada and Richemont, which together own as many as 103 fashion houses. This has given rise to many NFT-related initiatives in the global fashion landscape. In addition to the LVMH blockchain, Adidas has also partnered with Prada to create a "Create it yourself" NFT artwork. Notably, the Aura blockchain consortium, initially initiated by LVMH and technology partners ConsenSys and Microsoft, has been tasked with addressing the issue, anticipated a few lines ago, of a digital passport for high-fashion products, starting with issues such as the traceability of luxury goods and their unique digital identity. From the introduction of blockchain in the luxury world, the challenge of sustainability could also benefit - as we write in a dedicated article.Yes, because a digital certification would also allow brands to demonstrate their commitment to reducing the environmental and social impact caused by their production and sales activities. As in the case of the LUXO token, the NFT used within the Virgo platform (developed by Luxochain in partnership with PwC, Temera and Var Group), designed to allow manufacturer brands to self-certify each product in various ways, including blockchain certifications, in order to track the entire lifecycle of a product. Thus, fashion brands have the opportunity to ensure maximum transparency with respect to the supply chain, the origin of garments, the raw material used, the ethical sustainability of the product and its impact on the environment and society. A transparency and a commitment to sustainability that, more and more, represent essential values for all those brands that want to establish a relationship of trust and loyalty towards their customers.
All about luxury in the metaverse: from real estate to fashion
The increasingly central role of the virtual world, that is the metaverse, within the luxury market is a trend that has been experiencing exponential growth over the past two years. This is evidenced by both the growth of the luxury real estate market in the metaverse and the massive investments of the most famous fashion brands precisely on the virtual world, culminating, on an image level, with the Metaverse Fashion Week. Beginning with the first of the two trends, it must be said that the quintessential luxury goods in the real world are prime real estate, namely luxury homes. And even in the metaverse this trend is taking hold, as virtual land and villas have become a favorite investment of VIPs and large corporations in recent months. During 2021, about 500 million euros were spent on virtual real estate, while for the 2022 budget we still have to wait a few months, although estimates speculate that the sum will at least double to over a billion euros. Turning to the world of luxury fashion, in our recent analysis regarding virtual luxury trends, we noted how many brands have already landed in the metaverse, including Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton, and Moncler.These high-fashion brands testify to how the market for luxury clothing and accessories in the virtual world is already flourishing, partly in the wake of the many VIPs who have pioneered the purchase of virtual designer items. According to an estimate by the Morgan Stanley lending institution, the virtual world market will cover more than 10% of the total luxury goods market by 2030, to the tune of 45 billion euros. But even the art world is not exempt from the metaverse's growth trend. In fact, so-called “crypto art” is increasingly in vogue. The expression "crypto art" generically means digital art, that is, all that set of digital works or physical works subsequently digitized, the basis of a dense commercial network of goods that can be purchased and sold as exclusive content, even in special virtual art galleries. And at very high figures. Suffice it to say that, in the span of 2021, crypto art generated a revenue of about 25 billion euros, growing exponentially from about 95 million euros in 2020, waiting to find out the budget for 2022. It is therefore now clear that the virtual world is increasingly central when it comes to business and luxury, and not only with respect to art or high fashion, but also with respect to the real estate market and to that whole, now flourishing, commercial network based on the exchange of cryptocurrencies to be accumulated in one's virtual wallets.
2022-11-02 10:06:13
All about the luxury smart home of the future
Home automation and smart homes are the hottest trends among luxury homeowners who want to move in the direction of what will be the home of the future, increasingly designed to include spaces dedicated to wellness and leisure. The home of the future will have to meet contemporary needs, thanks in part to smart and hi-tech accessories that are increasingly popular in the luxury goods market.
- What will the luxury home of the future look like?
- Home automation and smart home: advantages and differences
- The best smart and hi-tech gadgets for a luxury home
What will the luxury home of the future look like?
The topic of luxury home furnishing and management is central on our website, so this is not the first time we write about the increasingly close link between technology and luxury, with a particular emphasis on real estate. As we write in a dedicated article, more and more luxury homeowners are equipping themselves with hi-tech accessories and gadgets, designed especially for wellness, personal care and leisure time to be spent within the home. The recent Covid-19 pandemic, in fact, has simply accelerated a process of centralization of activities within the home. In light of all this: what will the luxury home of the future look like? Perhaps it would be better to say: what the luxury home of the future already looks like. Yes, because trends related to home automation, smart home - topics we will present in more detail later - and hi-tech gadgets for the home are already rising rapidly, especially in the high-end housing sector. The luxury home of the future will be increasingly sustainable, technological, smart, secure and personalized. It is no coincidence that we have chosen ecology as the first area of focus from the home of the future, as the recent global instability, with the consequent rise in the cost of energy, is prompting more and more luxury homeowners to focus on sustainable energy sources, especially for home heating and air conditioning, as we write in an article dedicated to this topic. The luxury home of the future will obviously be technological, both in terms of greater sustainability based on energy optimization, and in terms of leisure rooms, thus wellness, fitness and entertainment.That is why the interiors of the home of the future will have to be adapted to accommodate a wide variety of devices. So we will see more and more open space environments - the subject of this article - and rooms designed to leave as much floor space as possible for owners to work out, welcome guests, smart work and spend time with the family. The furniture of the future in a luxury home will therefore be increasingly eco-friendly, technological, functional, and modular, as confirmed by the growing trends in the luxury real estate market represented by hi-tech and wellness. The key words will be smart home and home automation, but also healthy home and virtual living, as we will see more later. Psychophysical well-being will be central, also because of the health and social emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, as we have already mentioned. Hence, this explains the growing number of luxury home gyms as well as home spaces dedicated to wellness and personal care, such as mini spas, hot tubs, saunas or small pools. Not forgetting the latest trends in luxury wellness, increasingly related to intellectual and mental well-being. All accompanied by air filtration and ventilation technologies, as well as ultraviolet cleaning devices, chosen to improve air quality and eliminate harmful agents inside the home of the future. Another segment that will grow more and more in the luxury homes of the future is smart speakers and voice assistants, which are increasingly popular and also available in luxury versions made by fashion brands and famous designers. All of these technologies not only increase the quality of life of people living in a luxury home, but also increase the value of the property itself, providing it with better energy efficiency, greater security and comforts that match the needs of contemporary - and future - society.
Home automation and smart home: advantages and differences
This analysis made it clear that the luxury home of the future will be increasingly oriented toward two concepts: home automation and smart home. But what are the differences between home automation and smart home? What advantages do they offer luxury homeowners? Home automation allows homeowners to conveniently manage from smartphones, and generally remotely, their homes. The automation of home automation homes allows for the management of lighting, as well as temperature and air conditioning, the remote turning on and operation of the latest technological appliances, as well as the sounds they produce - starting with smart TVs and audio systems. All this ensures maximum comfort in room management, as well as ensuring maximum security for the home with the integration of control systems, such as video intercoms with various features. For all its features and automation, the concept of home automation differs from that of smart home. The latter basically consists of the presence of hi-tech wireless devices with different functions, always remotely manageable, but not connected to each other.Home automation, on the other hand, allows all the functions of a home to be managed and the various devices to be integrated through the wiring of the electrical system. Home automation also provides ample room for customization of the possibilities and ways of managing technological devices, so that each home best meets the owner's needs, but also his or her taste in home décor, a topic that we present in another article. Turning to a comparison of the two options, home automation is truly integrated into the home, as it only needs the power grid to ensure full functionality, and therefore does not require a connection to the grid to function, ensuring a high level of security. For the same reason, home automation positively affects the value of the property and the reduction of energy waste, thus also reducing operating expenses. Turning to the smart home, the main advantage is the availability and variety of luxury hi-tech gadgets that can be purchased without the need to actually intervene on the property, thus reducing the time and cost of obtaining relatively similar functionality.
The best smart and hi-tech gadgets for a luxury home
Home automation and smart home are, however, connected to the market of luxury items, which is increasingly related to the technological market, thanks also to the production of luxury technological items, such as devices dedicated to the enjoyment of music and any kind of audio files, or as the home theater, namely a room used as a home cinema, to be equipped with the latest generation devices for sound reproduction, so as to achieve the effect given by the big screen. The prices of these hi-tech gadgets are obviously high, but some of these products, made by the most famous fashion brands, are really exclusive and unique, managing to combine functionality and elegance. As well as the possibility of experiencing the latest technological frontiers inside luxury homes, with immersive environments for those who wish to enjoy the experience of virtual reality or make the most of the services offered by digital.As is the case with Oculus rooms, designed for the use of Virtual Reality visors, or even in spaces designed specifically for viewing 3D images. Some examples of luxury hi-tech gadgets? One is certainly represented by the Horizon Light Up Speaker produced by Louis Vuitton, a device dedicated to listening to music, but one that echoes the lines of the well-known shoulder bag created by Frenchman Nicolas Ghesquière and offers above all top-notch technical features, such as a three-inch subwoofer, three built-in microphones, and Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity. Another example is the Xbox console designed by Gucci, a video game console, born out of the collaboration between the Gucci fashion house and the Sony technology company, which resulted in 100 numbered limited-edition sets consisting of an Xbox Series X, decorated with the Italian brand's classic GG motif, and a pair of wireless controllers for decorated with Gucci's red and blue Web ribbon, all inside a hard case reminiscent of Gucci's archival suitcases. However, if you are curious about the other most exclusive luxury hi-tech gadgets of the moment, we suggest reading this article.
2022-10-28 13:05:29
All about caviar: from the different types to the price of the world's most expensive one
There are foods that are so rare and expensive that they are true luxury goods, just like caviar, which is unique because of its quality and the difficulty in finding it. But there is one caviar in particular that really costs a fortune: let's find out the price of the world's most expensive caviar, what makes it unique, and what are the other most expensive luxury foods on the planet.
- Everything you need to know about caviar
- Price and characteristics of the world's most expensive caviar
- The other most expensive foods in the world
Everything you need to know about caviar
It is really unusual to link luxury with food, especially if we are not talking about the most expensive restaurants in the world, but simply about raw materials. However, there are some foods that cost so much that they do not disfigure in comparison with the most expensive rings on the planet or even the most valuable diamonds in the world. Of course, even the cost of the most exclusive foods does not reach that of precious stones, but in some cases… it comes close. Caviar is certainly one of them since its price - especially the price of the most expensive caviar - is really very high. Let's start by clarifying that there are different types of caviar, although it is possible to identify three broader categories. These are white, black and red caviar, between which there is a great difference, both in terms of origin and taste - and price. What the three types have in common is that, in addition to the unique flavor of caviar, it is also a food with unique organoleptic properties and provides great benefits to the body. In fact, caviar improves brain activity, boosts the immune and cardiovascular systems, but it also has beneficial effects on the quality of vision and includes several useful substances for the body, such as iodine, phosphorus, iron, potassium, folic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and especially vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E.This luxury food is also a great source of easily digestible protein, although it contains a lot of salt and therefore is not recommended for those suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertensive or ischemic diseases. Returning to the types of caviar, here is the difference between white, red and black caviar. White caviar, which we will also return to later, is a particular beluga caviar and is the most expensive in the world. It is characterized by its golden color and is extracted from the adults of beluga, or albino sturgeon, since the older the fish, the lighter and more valuable the eggs. In particular, the most expensive type of caviar in the world is Iranian albino sturgeon caviar, also known as "almas" caviar, which we will present more about later. Another type of caviar is black caviar, obtained from different species of fish, including Siberian sturgeon, sevruga and ship. Finally, there is also red caviar, made from the eggs of several species of salmon (chum, sockeye, chinook, coho, pink) and trout. These three broad categories of caviar are then divided into many other types, depending on the fish from which the eggs are obtained and the processing.
The types of black caviar are:
- beluga caviar: one of the most expensive in the world for its nutritional value and taste, delicate and with a nutty note;
- sturgeon caviar: with a saltier flavor as well as the typical Italian caviar (although there is not much caviar production in Italy);
- sevryuzhya caviar: made from a smaller type of sturgeon, very high in calories and with a mild taste;
- sterlet caviar: the cheapest;
- kaluga caviar: similar to beluga caviar, but with a less distinct flavor and a very soft texture.
Turning to red caviar, however, the main types are:
- pink salmon caviar: the most common and with the least demanding flavor;
- ketch caviar: the fattest of the red caviars, with a mild taste;
- coho caviar: the healthiest of the red caviars, but with a bitter aftertaste;
- sockeye caviar: spicy taste and a strong, bitter aftertaste;
- trout caviar: salty and bitter taste, most commonly used in sandwiches and snacks.
Price and characteristics of the world's most expensive caviar
As anticipated a few lines ago, there is one type of caviar that, more than any other, can be considered a luxury food, given its cost. It is in fact the most expensive caviar in the world, as well as one of the most expensive foods on the planet. We are talking about the almas caviar, which is a special beluga caviar that is produced in Iran from the eggs of very old albino sturgeons and is sold in Europe exclusively by The Caviar House & Prunier, in London. This caviar, which is more unique than rare, has a complex flavor, with different nuances and very distinctive taste tones. Almas caviar represents the top of luxury foods, as it is priced between 22.000 euros and 25.000 euros per kilo, partly because it is sold only in a metal package dipped in 24-karat gold. This caviar is produced exclusively in Iran, from the eggs of albino sturgeon from the Caspian Sea, and represents the ultimate in exclusivity and rarity when it comes to food, partly because of some truly unique characteristics.The white eggs used for this caviar, in fact, are obtained only from very old albino sturgeons and are very aromatic, elegant and smooth, as well as having a very spongy texture. If, despite the cost of about 25.000 euros per kilo, you are still interested in trying almas caviar, you should know that the best way to savor its flavor, characterized by a nutty tone and a creamy texture, is to enjoy it cold, flanked by a slice of toasted bread on which to spread a spoonful of eggs, without crushing or pressing them too hard. Now all that remains is to find out what to drink to accompany a luxury food like almas caviar. Surely a French champagne is a great idea, but perhaps even one of the world's most expensive whiskies or the most exclusive Italian collectible wines might not disfigure in front of this very expensive luxury food.
The other most expensive foods in the world
To close this article, it is certainly worth mentioning what are the other most expensive foods in the world, foods that require a real investment to enjoy because of their unique characteristics and rarity: let's discover a selection of some of the world's most expensive foods.- White Truffle of Alba - We start from Italy for this food with a unique taste, characterized by spicy and aromatic notes, with a smooth and clear appearance, with a yellow and streaked pulp. The white truffle of Alba is also impossible to cultivate, making its price even higher, which has even exceeded 100.000 euros per kilo for a specimen of truffle weighing about 1,5 kg.
- Elvish Honey - This is the most expensive honey in the world, also because it comes from a beehive located in Turkey at 1.800 meters deep, where the environment and the minerals present in the cave give the honey an unmistakable taste. The price? About 40.000 euros per kilo.
- Kopi Luwak Coffee - This typical Indonesian coffee is made from the coffee berries eaten, digested and defecated by the Luwak, the common palm civet, an animal that lives in South East Asia. The price ranges from 650 to 2.500 euros per kilo for the Vietnamese version of Kopi Luwak coffee, the most expensive.
- Pule cheese - To make a kilo of this cheese, produced in the area of Serbia and Montenegro, you need as much as 25 liters of donkey milk from the Balkans, as well as long maturing times, which bring the price to around 1.300 euros per kilo.
- Yubari King Melon - This melon is grown in the small town of Yubari on the island of Hokkaido (Japan) in very limited quantities and with a very expensive treatment, which also includes daily massages and washes, which cause the price of over 17.000 euros for just one of these fruits.
- Swallow's nests - Used in the Chinese culinary tradition, the nests of salangane (more than swallows, they are swifts) are found in hidden areas inside caves and are built with these birds with saliva in about a month, making this very expensive food, up to a maximum of 7.200 euros per kilo.
- Saffron - Very widespread in Italy and made famous by the Milanese risotto, saffron is obtained from the stigma of Crocus sativus, but it takes about 150.000 flowers and 40 hours of work to get a kilo, which therefore can cost from 700 to 8.000 euros per kilo.
- Watermelons Densuke - Let's go back to Japan for the most expensive watermelons in the world, precisely north of the island of Hokkaido, where these black fruits are grown, famous for their balanced sweetness and… for the price of about 580 euros per kilo or even more so in the case of particularly large watermelon specimens.
- Matsutake mushrooms - We remain in Japan for these very rare mushrooms, which grow, as well as in Japan, also in China, Korea, United States, Canada, Finland and Sweden, even if the most expensive variety is the one called "red pine", which grows precisely in the Japanese woods only at certain times and can cost up to 2.000 euros per kilo.
2022-10-26 10:49:16
The best appliances for a luxury kitchen
To furnish a luxury kitchen at its best, you need appliances that are adequate for the task, combining cutting-edge functionality and design, as well as being produced by the best brands in the industry: we discover the best brands of luxury appliances, their features and price ranges, with some tips on how to choose the decor of a luxury kitchen.
- The best luxury home appliances
- The best brands of luxury home appliances
- All about furnishing a luxury kitchen
The best luxury home appliances
The kitchen of a luxury home is a multitasking space, where one does not just prepare meals and wash what one has used to cook them. It is a room to live in, to which guests also have access, and which must be in line with the style chosen to furnish the home - for example, as in the case of a very particular type of kitchen furniture such as English-style, which we present in another article. This also applies to the appliances chosen for kitchens in luxury homes, whether open space areas or rooms structures with island, ideal for leaving space for living - as we explain in a dedicated article. Therefore, it will be necessary to choose luxury appliances, namely products that are both technological, thus more efficient and innovative, but also elegant and classy. Luxury appliances are state-of-the-art products that combine aesthetics, cutting-edge comfort, practicality and energy efficiency. These are the top among home appliances on the market, for which, you should rely on the best brands in the industry - which we will present better later - and be willing to invest an appropriate amount of money. We are talking, of course, about refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, sinks, therefore the classic appliances, but with a higher quality than average, innovative design and… very high prices.Starting with luxury built-in appliances, it is inevitable to begin with ovens, for which convection models, such as those in the Wolf Dual Fuel Pro range, are recommended. Remaining in the area of ovens, but moving on to luxury small appliances, these include convection microwave ovens, while cooktops in a luxury kitchen should have at least six burners, usually induction, to be chosen as an alternative to wall ovens. Moving on to the area of refrigeration, the refrigerator can be a true luxury appliance if you opt for exclusive and expensive models such as the Sub-Zero refrigerator and freezer with panels, also produced by the Wolf brand. Another luxury built-in appliance is the dishwasher, such as the high-end ones produced by Asko, Bosch and Miele, if you opt for the paneled one, or made by Fisher Paykel, in the case of drawer dishwashers. But sinks can also turn into luxury appliances, if they are made of fine materials and created by designers, as in the case of Yale Pro Sinks with Rohl faucets.
The best brands of luxury home appliances
The time has come to introduce the top brands producing luxury home appliances, although, a few lines ago, we already introduced some of them. In the field of luxury home appliances, the top brands are, of course, the most famous in electronics, such as Samsung, LG or Siemens. Some of these brands are also among the producers of the most innovative luxury hi-tech gadgets, which we present in another article or the largest and most expensive luxury TVs in the world. Mostly when it comes to refrigerators, ovens and dishwashers, as these companies' products manage to combine cutting-edge technological innovations with eye-catching designs. The refrigerators and freezers of these brands include internal computers, just like the ovens and dishwashers, turning out to be able to operate even with remote controls and autonomy, just as happens in domotic homes or, similarly, in smart homes, which we present in a dedicated article. Samsung is a leading company in built-in refrigerators, combined refrigerators, ovens and dishwashers, thanks above all to excellent energy efficiency.Turning instead to brands that specialize exclusively in luxury appliances, it is appropriate to mention Neff, a manufacturer of built-in appliances of high quality and energy efficiency of different types - dishwashers, induction cooktops and different models of ovens, steam or traditional. Another among the best luxury appliance brands is Gaggenau, a German brand specializing in the production of cooktops, dishwashers, refrigerators and freezers with high-end performance, great longevity and modern aesthetics. The same can be said for Signature Kitchen Suite luxury appliances, a perfect blend of technology, thoughtful design and innovation. Another historic brand of luxury home appliances is Miele, founded as far back as 1899 in Germany and still among the first manufacturers of high-end kitchen products, featuring rigorous manufacturing standards, precision technologies and classy aesthetics, resulting in both a guarantee of quality and elegance, thus perfect for a luxury home.
All about furnishing a luxury kitchen
Speaking of luxury appliances, it is inevitable to mention the more general topic of modern luxury kitchens as well. In this area, one of the most quoted structures in modern kitchens is the island. Luxury kitchens with the island are popular because they meet the need to create large and functional spaces, places of conviviality ready to host. In kitchens with an island, the cooktop is often placed on the central island and is topped by large technological hoods. These luxury kitchens - in which the island plays the role of a work, cooking and washing area - are formed by a single element in the center of the room, with no furniture around it, while kitchens in which the island is a countertop (similar to a table) also include additional furniture elements. Thus, modern luxury kitchens with an island are an ideal solution for combining the typical features of both modern kitchens - large spaces, simple and clean lines, technological appliances - with those of luxury kitchens - elegance, maximum comfort, refined materials and attention to detail.Whether you choose a kitchen with an island or opt for other solutions, there are some specific brands to rely on when it comes to modern luxury kitchens, which we present in a dedicated article. In the world of modern luxury kitchens, the choice of materials used to furnish these rooms is essential. Highly quoted is metal, particularly polished stainless steel, which is often combined with lacquered wood or solid wood furniture, in any case of high quality. For the countertops of a luxury kitchen, resin is generally chosen with tops and linings in hi-tech and very durable materials such as Corian, titanium, dekton, but also quartz such as okite and ceramics. Another material which is always perfect in luxury kitchens is marble. Yes, because marble, besides being a refined and valuable material, is also ideal from the point of view of hygiene and durability, as well as providing convenient maintenance. Marble goes very well with wood, as well as with ceramics, and ensures the immediate perception of luxury in a room. In high-end modern kitchens there are also other materials that are increasingly used, such as glass and laminate, which are ideal for reconciling an elegant style with the minimalist and geometric lines typical of modern kitchens.
2022-10-24 10:12:05